Saturday, November 1, 2008


As a reader the most frequent situations I'm asked for help on is, yes, you've guessed it...RELATIONSHIPS. It seems that a lot of the clients that cross my path are all experiencing very similar situations. They have had a run in with a "soul mate connection". More then not, this SM has crossed their path, to awakened something deep within my client then bolted from their life. Leaving my client open, confused and raw of a wound that seems to not want to heal. Which, in my opinion, is exactly what that SM was supposed to do. To touch something so deep inside that you have no other option but to feel it, accept it, and learn from it.

The forefront question of the situation is always ..."If this person is my soul mate, then when will they return"?

I wish my answer could be just that simple. There are many different reasons this connection occurred. These connections never come into play for the single reason of the relationship. I see time and time again the client being bound to this situation (of their own accord) just because they've been told this person is their "soul mate". The REAL reason this person came into their life is the lessons they bring about . The most important lesson is finding the unconditional love for SELF. To realize that they must learn to love themselves MORE then they love anyone else or any thought of being in a "soul mate" relationship. After all, how can someone truly love anyone else , if they don't truly love themselves? That answer is simple, it can't be done.

When you finally choose to look at the connection from a different perspective is when you can finally start to heal the wounds it left. When you decide to nurture yourself and be true to yourself is when you finally begin to break the chains of the connection...the chains you placed on yourself.

The connections are always a 2-way street. BOTH parties are faced with lessons. Because God gave us all free will we can decide to face the lessons or we can turn our backs on them. Eventually finding that somewhere down the line you will be faced with the same lesson, perhaps on an even more painful level. But mark my words...the lessons WON'T go away until you decide to face and learn them.

You may have the chance to be in an actual romantic relationship with the soul mate depending on the growth of both people involved. If while you are apart you both grow...then the paths may cross again, allowing you both to try the cycle once again. If both people have done the work then there is great probability the relationship will work. If not, then you will just repeat the same pattern again. Scrapping that scab off the wound, leaving it exposed to the open air to experience the pain all over. You can continue to cover it with a band aide, but until you decide to TREAT the can't ever heal.

Treating the wound means choosing to finally stop covering it up and actually nurturing it back to good, strong emotional health. And that nurturing starts with YOU. What I mean by that is CHOOSING (and YES IT IS YOUR CHOICE) to finally say ENOUGH. Freeing yourself from the illusion of the fantasy of the "connection". Deciding to stop trying to control the relationship...because face it YOU HAVE NO CONTROL. Moving forward in your growth and not concerning yourself with what the other part of the connection is doing on their path. Their wound(s) are their own to heal...not yours.

Once you finally choose to see the connection as when you can truly free yourself from the pain of it all. When you see this is about YOU and your growth your life opens to many new doors. And, as a result of your growth the Universe brings you more connections and more lessons that reflect more of the "New" you that you are becoming.
I am here to help you. Together we can take a look at your choices and get you past the pain and moving forward toward your healing!

© copyright 2008

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