Friday, December 17, 2010

~Journey of Healing~

Journey of Healing
By Kathy Keel

When I speak of healing I speak from my own experience. My personal search for healing has been an epic journey of hit and miss. I have experimented with dozens of different techniques. I have worked with more healers and spiritualist that I wish to mention. Some have helped, some have not, and some have contributed just pieces of the puzzle. I’ve spent much time, energy, tears and money on my long search for the elusive sense of feeling at peace with-in.

What I have found in my process is that there was never just one thing that did the trick. It was the actual collection of the successes and failures. Sure, there were some things that helped more than others. Obviously those are the techniques I chose to learn and practice. However, even those modalities were not a magic pill that just made it all better in and by themselves.

I dreamt and prayed of the day I’d finally reach my destination. Ironically, it was exactly my never ending search that kept failing me. I was looking for this type of “ending”. The end of emotional and mental baggage with no worries, no anxiety, no fears. I desperately anticipated the day I would wake up and be this total enlightened being.

Eventually I came to the realization that there could be no end. How could there be when life itself is an ever changing progression? Everything that I was, am and ever will be are all very important contributions to the growth of my soul. Every single situation, relationship and person that has ever been in my life, has contributed to who I am today, and who I am becoming in the future. Very precise and intricate pieces to my puzzle.

Reaching this conclusion allowed me to finally stop looking and start living. Bringing with it the ability for me to “JUST BE ME”. To forgive myself, forgive others even to forgive God for those painful experiences I had once viewed with the “why me” attitude. When I understood and found appreciation for the tough times and situations as well as the good times is when I sincerely came to a sense of peace.

During your own pursuit of healing its very important for you to remember that everyone's healing process is not the same. My path to healing may not be your path to healing. There are different lessons that each soul must experience and go through. There are many "Spiritualist" that will try to convince you that their way is the ONLY way to peace and healing. You have to follow what resonates with YOU. I invite and urge you to learn, explore, experiment with yourself. Keep what works for YOU, and toss the rest out. This life and the lessons it contains is about your own journey of what works for you in the never ending progression of self discovery.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

~End of Year Special~

~End of Year Special~

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Monday, December 13, 2010


Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ This week Aries you may find that recent pressures of finances are being lifted. If you’ve been feeling held down by stress associated with money, you can sit back and enjoy a bit of relief this week. Look forward to your physical energy also improving as the week unfolds. This is a great week to get those last few details of the Holiday season taken care of. So get moving and wrap things up this week and take full advantage of the new vibrant energies that will be surrounding you.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ There is a real sense of strength and healing surrounding you this week, Taurus. You may find that you are called upon to use your strength and healing to help others in need around you as well. No worries though Taurus because you have what it takes to get the job done. Don’t be surprised if family calls upon you and your diplomatic ways to help iron out a recent conflict. Just keep your cool and remember that no matter what, you get more flies with honey.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ If you find yourself faced with someone that is lacking common sense this week Gem, it may do you well to have a sit down talk with them. You may be faced with frustration in trying to get through to them, but work past that if you can. You are called now to teach someone (probably younger) about responsibility and making the right choices. Perhaps you’ll get through to them more if you show them how to focus more on the bigger picture then on the instant gratification. Also, point out to them how their actions create reaction in not only their own lives but also those around them.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ We are in the early stages Cancer of a Mercury Retrograde. This cycle is notorious for bringing the past back to us. Don’t be surprised if someone you thought was out of your life once and for all, now comes wondering back. This doesn’t always mean that you should rekindle what you once had. Often times this happens because there are some lingering lessons that still need addressed in regards to this past situation. Allow it all to unfold without you trying to force things. You may find that as quickly as this person appears, they will disappear once again, after the cycle ends.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ The biggest challenge this week Leo is to realize that you just can’t do it all yourself. There are times that you are going to have to swallow that lion pride and ask for help. It doesn’t make you a weak person. In fact, it shows just how truly strong you are in admitting that even you know when to say when and ask for assistance. The people around you are more than happy and willing to help you with all of the responsibilities that you are drowning in, Leo. So do yourself a favour and reach out!

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ Mercury Retrograde is upon us Virgo and you may find yourself smack in the middle of the miscommunication that MR is famous for. Try not to allow it to frustrate you too bad though. As with everything, this too shall pass.. The important thing for you to focus on is remembering that everything happens for a reason. So instead of allowing the delays to frustrate you and get you down, use the stalled energy to perhaps review the situation and to revamp how you deal with it.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ Matters are going to take a turn for the better this week Libra. The energies around you suggest that you have a refreshed and new outlook on something that has been weighing heavily on you. There has been a break through recently and it’s important for you to take advantage and keep moving forward now. The end of the discontent you’ve felt is coming if you keep yourself focused ahead. There is much to look forward to on your path, but you’re going to have to be willing to keep one foot in front of the other to reach it.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ Scorpio this week you may find yourself faced with some major changes. Whether these changes be welcomed or disruptive for you, it’s important to keep your eyes focused on the big picture of the situation. While it may be uncomfortable at first, you’ll soon see that it’s better in the long run. Do you best to stay grounded during this time. Trying to fight the changes will only bring you frustration and make the period much harder for you. So, for now, jump in and go with the flow the best you can. Meditation and/or prayer may bring you comfort during this cycle.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ This week Sag may bring back some old feelings of past hurts that still need to be addressed within your psych. You are famous for burying those uncomfortable feelings. However the current Mercury Retrograde is here to show you that doing so isn’t the way to release yourself from the hurt. I’m not saying dwell in the pain or hurt. I’m saying it’s time for you to take an honest look at what happened in the past that has hurt you. Learn the lessons, find the forgiveness and release the hurt once and for all.

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ The general energies this week Capricorn may make it feel as though things just aren’t moving fast enough for you. There may be some obstacles and unwelcomed delays to what it is you’ve been wanting to happen. Don’t try to force things too much. It’s important for you to take a good hard look at the obstacles being tossed in your path. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. So perhaps there is a piece of the puzzle that you’re missing. By reviewing and possibly revamping your plan you can find what it is you’ve missed in order to get things rolling again.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ Lucky for you that you are the innovative thinkers of the zodiac Aquarius. The energies this week suggest that you can put that aspect of your personality into play, in a big way. You’ll need an unconventional approach to effectively deal with certain key people in your life. You may find some resistance at first, but don’t give up. You are a leader and whether you know it or not, people look up to you and respect you. So work through any opposition you may experience and don’t give up. Your pioneering approach to life truly is contagious and can be beneficial to the not so eclectic thinkers around you.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ You will find Pisces that you will be faced with making a decision you’ve been trying to put off. It’s as though you will find that if you don’t finally make the decision yourself, it will be made for you. It’s not always easy when that happens either. So it’s time to finally face the fear of what it is that has been holding you back and finally go for it. There is a window of opportunity to break the tension regarding a certain relationship as well. So stop holding yourself back just because of fear. Face it and plow through it. In the end, you’ll be so much happier you took the bull by the horns.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Tarot Scopes. If you’d like a full in-depth reading please email me at to set up an appointment.

Much Peace!
Kathy Keel

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010



To enter for a FREE Video Reading, please visit my webpage at and fill out the entry form.


Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ You may find Aries, that this week brings you lessons in learning how to maintain a healthy balance. It may feel like you are at your wits end struggling with trying to keep on top of everything being tossed in your path. The important thing for you this week is to do your best in taking everything in stride. If you feel like you’re being pulled apart at the seams, then do what you must to take a step back from those less important issues. Not everything needs to be done at once. Remember too, to take some time out for yourself. Maintaining a healthy balance in all areas is the key to keeping your head on straight.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
~ Taurus, this week you may find yourself with the opportunity to end a situation or relationship that has not been the most healthy for you. It’s time to really take an honest look at what or who in your life has been holding you back. It’s not always hard to face endings, so you need to remember for every ending there is always a new beginning that awaits. Dig deep within and ask yourself, what is it that you’ve been holding onto that no longer serves you. Doing so will no doubt present you with that Ah-Ha moment that will really help you in moving forward.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
~ This could prove to be an exciting week for you Gem’s in regards to work and financial gain. Don’t be surprised if that long awaited pay raise or promotion is presented to you this week. The hard work and careful planning you’ve been focused on is about to pay off. If you’ve been wrapped up in some type of property dealings, you could be faced with some decisions that will be financially beneficial for you as well. You can expect this week to bring some happy monetary news all around. Travel may also be on the forefront of your mind. So at all possible start arranging some early plans to take some time and get away, perhaps after the Holidays.

Cancer (June 21-July 22
) ~ Being the compassionate nurturer you are Cancer you may find it difficult at times to truly stand your ground with those that take your kindness for granted. This week it’s going to be very important for you to plant both feet firmly down and stand up tall for your rights and what it is you believe in. You need to stop allowing those that don’t appreciate you of taking advantage of you. Remember, kindness does NOT mean weakness. This week find and put in place some personal boundaries. You may just be surprised at how much inner strength you truly have.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22
) ~ The Holiday Season may have you feeling frazzled this week Leo. Burning the candle at both ends is only going to leave you with a nasty case of feeling burnt out. Organizing your time may help you feel more in control of what’s going on around you. Take the advise of the big guy in red this week...make a list, and check it twice. Put one foot in front of the other and you’ll see that taking on things one at a time is much more productive and less stressful than trying to tackle the whole load at once. Relax and BREATHE, everything that needs to get done, will get done.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22)
~ You may find yourself at a crossroads this week Virgo. The fork that I’m speaking of is an internal choice to make long overdue changes with who you’ve become. This is going to be an ideal time to take control of the rebirthing energies that surround you. Are you are up to facing some hard truths Virgo? This isn’t always easy as you know. But with determination and an honest to goodness review of yourself and your life, you will see that shedding yourself of those outdated ways and beliefs that no longer serve you, really isn’t that difficult at all.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23)
~ You have some real opportunity this week Libra to show them all what you’re made of. I’m speaking of course of those higher ups and peers at work. You may have to deal with some competition or rivalries, but no worries. There has never been a better time to assert yourself. It is time to show off your knowledge and your ability to keep cool when things get heated. Whatever you do this week Libra, don’t just sit in the corner and act like a wall flower. Stand up and speak out. You’ll be sure to impress all of the right people with your willingness and ability to take control and get the job done.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22)
~ Don’t be surprised this week Scorpio if you find yourself at the end of some very lucrative and exciting news. The energies around you suggest that if you don’t hesitate you have real opportunity to enhance your earnings. This could be the beginning of a very solid foundation for you to build upon. Learning or schooling could also play a very big part in all of this. If you find yourself presented with opportunity to take a new course or add some work related training, don’t hesitate and go for it. Down the road, you’ll be very glad you did.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
~ Watch out this week Sag for some misunderstandings between you and one of your closest friends. We all know that Sagittarius’ are notorious for speaking before thinking and this week could really prove that saying. It’s not that you mean to say things that have the potential to offend or hurt others, you’re just one of those signs that says what you mean whether the person on the other side is ready for the truth or not. Try putting forth a bit of compassion though this week. Keep in mind that just because it may be true, doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. Remember, think first, then speak. It could prove to save a friendship.

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19) ~ The energy around you this week is one of awesome mental and intellectual control. You have the force of quick thinking and speaking at your disposal Capricorn. Use this energy to have that talk about a promotion or raise with your boss. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the reception you’ll get. An ideal week also to speak in front of a group or propose that new idea to your biggest client. Take advantage of the clarity you have this week Capricorn as this energy won’t be around forever.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ This is the beginning of a long awaited ending Aqua. There is light at the end of the tunnel and you can finally see it ahead. The ending of this past cycle is very welcomed and long awaited for you, no doubt. Get ready to open yourself up to new experiences ahead. Make sure to carry all of the lessons of this past difficult cycle with you. Without dwelling, use the past to boost you forward to the future. Be grateful for the not so pleasant lessons you’ve just been through. For without them, you wouldn’t be able to appreciate the real blessings that are on your path ahead.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
~ Try your best Pisces to not focus so much on your “lack” this week. The Law of Attraction suggests that what you focus on, is sure to come your way. Instead of worrying so much on what it is you don’t have, focus on the blessings of what you do have. Sure, you may have some money issues that are bothersome...but it’s nothing that won’t pass over time. You know as well as I do that you always have exactly what it is you NEED. So, this week try to relax a bit on the mental chatter. Don’t let your fears get the best of you and just ride the storm out. What goes down, surely always comes back up.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Tarot Scopes. If you’d like a full in-depth reading please email me at to set up an appointment.

Much Peace!
Kathy Keel

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

~Special of the Week~

11/29 - 12/5


You can use your 2nd hour for a later date or share it with a friend or family member. Give the 2nd hour as a holiday gift! Gift Certificates Available. Payment made through Paypal in USD. Contact me for more details at

“Let go of the resentful situations from your past, and the past will let go of your future.” ©
~K. Keel

Monday, November 29, 2010


Tarot Scopes
By Kathy Laston-Keel
Week of 11/29/2010

Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ This week Aries you may find the energy around you is one of feeling like you’re getting nowhere. This could indicate that the current path you’ve been following isn’t exactly the right course for you. If you’ve felt overwhelmed with a sense of obstacles or just feeling stuck then perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate where you’re heading. Keep yourself open to the signs and synchronicities around you. They may just be trying to show you it’s time to jump ship or make some major adjustments to your current situation, before it’s too late.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ Tired of waiting Taurus? Want it all to happen right now? Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re going to just have to have some patience this next week. Things may not move as quickly as you’d like, but remember that everything happens for a reason. So instead of trying to force things to happen, sit back and allow it to all unfold as it must. There are important steps that need to be covered before you reach the conclusion of your situation. Just relax, it will all in the most perfect of timing.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ Don’t be surprised Gemini if you find yourself in the middle of some very exciting challenges this week. They may seem a bit difficult at first but as long as you face them all head on, you’ll do just great. This isn’t a week to be passive about things. So take the bull by the horns and don’t let anything get in your way. You’ve got what it takes to overcome anything tossed your way. It’s also a perfect week to impress those higher ups, which could result in a raise or promotion, down the road.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ You may need to make some adjustment or changes to your plans this week Cancer. The best way to deal with this weeks energy is to do your best to remain flexible and fluid. Roll with the changes instead of fighting against them and you’ll see it will be much easier in the long run. If you have any type of attachment to an outcome, then be prepared to be disappointed. There are many lessons in learning to go with the flow, and this week is the perfect time to face those lessons with an open mind and open heart.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ Leo’s this week are going to find that you will be faced with some decisions to make changes around you that aren’t the most comfortable. But being the Leo you are, that shouldn’t throw you too far off your center. Are there people, relationships or situations around you Leo that seems to have passed their expiration date? If so, this is the perfect week to finally decide to let go. Holding on to people or situations that aren’t emotionally or mentally healthy just holds you down, as you know. So work on release and change this week and see how easily your week flows.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ You may find yourself faced against a particular person or people this week Virgo that makes you want to run and hide. You’ll find yourself saying; “Has everyone around me gone nuts?”. The best way to handle this week Virgo is to not take anything personally. Remember that you don’t live in anyone else’s head. And what they do is a reflection of their own issues and troubles. Do your best to deal with the people around you without any emotional attachment as to not get sucked into the drama yourself. Remember, always take the high road, you’ll be so much happier with yourself, if you do.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ The past couple of weeks may have you feeling uncertain and unfocused Libra. This period is now coming to an end and the haze you’ve felt yourself enveloped in, is about to leave. Any important work or decisions you’ve been putting off is finally able to be re-visited now. It’s important for you to keep a realistic attitude with things this week as well. So make sure that any decisions or projects have a firm foundation under them for better longevity. Anything that you begin on a whim or from an emotional place may end up needing to be re-vamped and re-worked into the future. So plant yourself firmly on the ground now, so you don’t have go back and re-adjust later.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ This may be a week of unexplained occurrences for you Scorpio. You’re a very intuitive person anyway, but this week you may find that your instincts are off the chart. Pay close attention to the signs, synchronicities and most importantly your dreams this week. There are going to be messages tossed in front of you and if you’re not open or aware, you just may miss them. Keep your attention based on the “feelings” you’re getting about people around you as well. Trust in your gut instincts and don’t second guess yourself. If it just doesn’t feel right to you, then rest assured, it’s not.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ This is a good week Sag to catch up on your rest. You may not feel 100% physically or even mentally this week, so I suggest you don’t push it. Take time out to relax (although hard for a Sagittarius, I know). If you push yourself too far this week, then you’ll end up paying for it in the weeks ahead. You don’t always have to be on the go Sag, you’re not going to miss anything by staying home and chilling. So perhaps it’s better to pass on that coming invite to go paint the town red. Rest up now so you have plenty of that fiery energy back for the Holidays, when you really are in need of it.

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ Have you been feeling like you’re taking the back seat lately Capricorn? The energy surrounding you suggests that you may be feeling like your needs are going unmet, yet you’ve been meeting other people’s needs around you. Where do you place the blame for these feelings? It’s important for you to realize that if you are the only one responsible for your own happiness, so stop waiting for others to make you happy. If you keep putting yourself last, it’s only setting the example for others to do the same. Time to get your priorities straight Cap, and that starts with YOU.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ Are you experiencing feelings of anxiety again with money? No doubt you’ve gone through a rough couple of years with your finances. And although things are beginning to clear you may still find some bumps along the way. It’s important for you to take it all one day at a time right now. Don’t allow the panic of the past couple of years to seed itself. Just remember that like everything, money is energy. You have to allow it to flow freely. Take a good look at all the lessons the past couple of years and how it’s changed your relationship with money and remember that this too shall pass.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ You may find that your patience are wearing thin this week Pisces. Don’t be surprised if every little thing that people say or do gets under your skin. It’s going to be important this week to keep a lid on any resentfulness and jealousy too. Think BEFORE you speak is a good rule to follow. Remember that words can never be unheard. Just try your best to distance yourself from the people that seem to be irritating you without creating a lot of drama. These stressful energies will indeed pass. Hopefully BEFORE you do or say anything you’ll regret later.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Tarot Scopes. If you’d like a full in-depth reading please email me at to set up an appointment.

Much Peace!
Kathy Keel

Monday, November 8, 2010


Tarot Scopes
By Kathy Laston-Keel
Week of 11/8/2010

Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ Aries this week you may find many opportunities to make some major changes around you and your situation. These changes may not be easy for you, however, if you face them head on and don’t look back, they can be much easier and less scary then you originally thought. What is important for you this week Aries is to let go of out molded situations that you’ve clung to up until now. Being resistant to the changes being offered will only hold you back and hold you down.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ The energies of this week Taurus should prove to offer major transformation for you. You may find that even if you’re not ready for it to happen, it will begin without you. Be open to change, don’t fear it. Change is a natural part of life and the life process. There may be a major situation that is coming to an end for you. This ending can offer much growth and healing. So instead of fighting it...allow it. You’ll be find later down the road, you’ll be much happier you did.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ Gemini this is a great week for you to kick back and just enjoy life. Too often Gemini you feel torn between just allowing your soul to soar or to be more realistic and grounded. I suggest that this week you put down that mundane half of your personality and just enjoy yourself. Don’t concern yourself too much of what others think. You have the right to just enjoy life and throw caution to the wind. This week, do just that. Kick your heals up, enjoy and wait for another week to be more grounded.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ You may find yourself saying “Why me?” this week Cancer. This may just be one of those weeks where you feel up against many obstacles. If this is the case, understand that this too shall pass. It may be a good idea for you to just do your best to go with the flow. Fighting and struggling against things beyond your control will just see to exhaust and frustrate you even more. Lay low if at all possible. Meditation and prayer are two things that will help in keeping you grounded and able to cope.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ This week Leo take some time to just relax and even reward yourself for the hard work you’ve been putting in, both professionally and personally. This is a perfect time to do some shopping for yourself...maybe get your hair done or that massage you’ve been dreaming about. It’s ok to pamper yourself once in a while without feeling guilty. You may find little opportunity to do this the closer the holidays get. So enjoy it now and know that you deserve it.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ Virgo, you may find yourself faced with a tough decision this week. If you’ve been one that has been on the fence about making a major change, then you may find that the Universe is deciding to begin making that change, with or without you. This is a really good week to go deep within your own being and finally decide what it truly is you do want out of life, then go for it. Sitting around waiting for it to happen on it’s own, only makes it difficult and uncomfortable when it does finally happen.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ Libra’s you may find that this week is filled with social invites and socializing. This is a great week for anyone that wants to start networking on the career front as well. You’re a magnet this week Libra, so take advantage of this fun and exciting energy around you. Get out there and meet people. Call up that old friend you haven’t seen in forever and arrange to meet for dinner. There is a real sense of revitalization around you this week. Stay open to the opportunities and get out there and mingle.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ Keep your eyes and ears open this week Scorpians. There is a very real chance that someone is not who they pretend to be. You’ve probably been dismissing that inner urging for some time now. But this week you are being urged to open your eyes to the reality of the situation around you. Don’t allow yourself to be the victim. Pay attention Scorpio and follow your gut feeling, you’ll be glad you did as it will save you down the road from much pain and drama.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ Time for some hot exciting fun this week Sag. You’ll find this week you’re surrounded by exciting and fast paced energy. Of course, you as a Sag loves this type of energy. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself at the end of many different social invitations as well. This is a great week to get out there and meet new people that can and will benefit you when it comes to work. If you’re a woman, you may cross paths with someone that is very flirtatious and shows you a lot of attention. Just don’t take it all too seriously. Enjoy the attention in the present moment and don’t read too far into it.

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ So much to do and so little time to do it in, right Cap? You may have so much on your plate this week that it seems nearly impossible to get anything at all done. The key to this is to get yourself organized as quickly as possible. Start making lists of the things that must get done, then work your way down from there. If you try to tackle too much at once, you’ll only find yourself frustrated and unfocused. So set yourself up from the get go and work your way through each thing, one at a time.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ You may find yourself saying “Well, back to the old drawing board” this week Aquas. If that is the case, it’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up too much. There are some steps that you didn’t take previously that needed to be covered. So now you have the opportunity to go back and do it again, the right way. Take an honest look at the situation and identify why it didn’t work this time around. Learn from where you went wrong before, and this time don’t make the same mistake or short cut. In the end, you’ll be glad you did.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ This week Pisces you may unearth some truths about a repeat troubling situation. Some things that weren’t clear in the past are not coming to light. Make sure you’re open to the signs you’re getting. Pay close attention to any dreams that you’re having too as there is very important hidden information in them. There has been deception going on around you in the past, and I believe you’ve felt it all along. Now is the time to follow your hunches and go with your gut. Don’t dismiss your inner stirrings on this. You’ll be glad you didn’t.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Tarot Scopes. If you’d like a full in-depth reading please email me at to set up an appointment.
Much Peace!
Kathy Keel

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Tarot Scopes
By Kathy Laston-Keel
Week of 10/25 – 10/30

Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ You may find yourself with feelings of little patience this week Aries. You want what you want, and you want it NOW. However, if you want things to start moving in a certain direction, you’re going to have to initiate it. Sitting on your hands won’t make things occur any quicker. If you are waiting for someone else to get the ball rolling, well be prepared to be waiting for a while. Don’t put expectation on others to make changes or to propel you forward. This will only lead to disappointment in yourself. So get your plan together and take action Aries, it’s the only way to improve the situation(s) in your life that bring you frustration.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ The energies of the next week suggest that you may need find a way to build your strength back up Taurus. If you’ve been feeling withdrawn or weak, this week will give you the perfect opportunity to step out of that rut you’ve been in. There is energy surrounding you that can help you “get back in your grove”, if you choose to focus on the positive and blessings in your life. Or, you can continue to dwell where you’ve been the past couple of weeks. However if you’ll remain in the same state of feeling overwhelmed and unsure. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off. You’ll be happy you did..

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ Getting ready for that Halloween party Gemini? Well if so, the energies around you suggest you’re going to have the time of your life! Enjoyment, happiness and all around fun is the theme of this week for you. Don’t be surprised if when you walk into the room, you get plenty of attention from the opposite sex too. All things seem to fall into place this week for you to shine bright and be the life of the party. Enjoy it Gemini, although we all know, you will.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ There is a sense of “seriousness” surrounding you this week Cancer. This is a good week for you to go within and focus on areas of your life that you want to improve upon. A very good week to seek advise or counsel from someone that has expertise in the area that you’re wanting to adjust. Another very helpful possibility for you is prayer. Pray to YOUR source for guidance. You’ll see that prayers to get answered, you’ll just have to be open “how” they answered, which may not always be the way you expected.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ This week Leo you’re going to have to put all of your skills and talents to work to accomplish your goals. There is no room this week for indecisiveness. You’re going to have to put forth the effort if you want to come out ahead. This includes everything from work, to home to relationships. If you’ve been questioning that special some ones intentions lately, good. You’ve allowed them long enough to “say” how they feel. Now, it’s time to actually make them “show” you. Time for them to put their money where their mouth is, don’t you agree?

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ More than likely Virgo, you’re going to be faced with a very important decision this week. One that could very well change your course the next year. You may be tempted to choose to take the easy path. But make sure you’re looking at the big picture. The instant gratification of your choice very possibly will only create turmoil down the road. So be very sure that you’ve thought this through. You’re not one that normally looks for the easy way out, but this week, if you’re tempted, re-think your strategy first, then make your choice.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ Libra you’re always known as the balanced one of the group. This week will prove just how true that is. More than likely you’re going to find youself in the midst of some things that you just can’t seem to make sense of. It’s like you have no control over how things may flow which may throw that balance your famous for, for a loop. That’s ok though. You don’t always have to have control of things. Sometimes you just have to have faith in the process and know that everything happens for a reason. Jumping in and going with the flow will prove much easier this week then trying to swim against the current. So relax and just allow it to happen.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ You know the old saying “Patience is a virtue” yes? Well Scorp this week you’re going to have to find the wisdom in that saying. Things just won’t move as fast as you want them to move. You may even find yourself becoming pessimistic or down right negative as a result. If you’ve put your best effort into the situation(s) the past few weeks and things still aren’t turning in the direction you want them to turn, perhaps it’s time you look at all of the possibilities why. Maybe things not happening the way you want, is really just a blessing in disguise.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ So,’ve planted all of your seads, you’ve put in all of the hard work and tended and nurtured your garden. So now it’s time to sit back and wait for all of the pleasant rewards of your harvest. These past few months have been really tough on you, yes. But you’re a strong and determined person. And because you know that what you put in, you get back, you’re alright with the work. Things are all in place now Sag. So relax a bit. Your garden is growing and soon you’ll see all of the plenty of your hard work, growth and determination. Enjoy!

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ Your creativity should be at its hilt this week Capricorn. Find some way to really express yourself. Whether it’s through writing, painting, photography or even cooking, it doesn’t matter. As long as you are expressing yourself through what it is that makes your heart swell, you are on track. You may find that the doors you’ve been knocking on suddenly open this week too. So get ready to take advantage of the abundant energy that is surrounding you. If you’ve been sitting on the fence, yet have been asking for things to progress..get ready, your prays are about to be answered.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ This is a week for you to really pay attention Aqua’s to your dreams and your inner most feelings. The veil is very very thin for you this week. Don’t question the inner stirrings of your soul. If something doesn’t feel right for you in regards to relationships or work...then you need to dig deep and find out why things just aren’t sitting right. There may be some things hidden that in the past you’ve dismissed...but now are coming to light. Make sure that you keep yourself grounded during this time. Even in the element of can remain calm and work your way through it.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ Happy times Pisces! This week is all about family, home and just learning to find comfort and contentment in your own skin. You can be sure that any rifts within the family can and will be patched up this week. You can find comfort in your “space” and know that your family and the comfort of your own home is where you belong. If you’ve found in the past couple of months that your relationship with family has been stressed..this week take advantage of the energies surrounding you that will correct that. And once again bring peace to you and your closest ties.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Tarot Scopes. If you’d like a full in-depth reading please email me at to set up an appointment.

Much Peace!
Kathy Keel

Friday, October 15, 2010


Tarot Scopes
By Kathy Laston-Keel
Week of 10/17 – 10/23

Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ It will be important for you to keep your cool this week Aries. You may run up against opposition, especially from those closest to you. Do your best to not allow tempers to get out of control. Stepping back from the situation for a while and trying to view things from the others point of view may help. When you feel challenged, remember that it may not always be you and that others could be having a hard time dealing with their own “stuff”. Give it some time, once this energy clears there will be a bigger understanding from others and peace can once again enter your space.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ Don’t worry too much Taurus if you’ve been feeling a bit stifled lately. Especially when it comes to your personal power zone. It’s been a time for clearing for you and if you’ve taken advantage of the past couple of weeks then get ready for the new to come in and take up some of that clearing you’ve been working towards. Change is good, so don’t fear accepting it and allowing it to happen.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ Gem you should find now that you’re finally seeing all your rewards pay off. All of the hard work and dedication that you’ve put forward is now coming back to you. Karma is a very positive thing when you use it for good and this week should prove that to you in many ways. From love, to work, to money you’ll begin to feel the turn around. Take this time to really enjoy it and feeling the blessings that surround you, you deserve it!

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ This week Cancer should prove to be a very positive, lively and laughable week. Upbeat and positive, nothing should bring you down. The energy that surrounds you could bring new, exciting people into your life as well. Take time out next weekend to gather with friends and kick up your heels. The holidays with all the hustle and bustle are just around the take time this week to throw responsibility out the window and rejuvenate yourself before things get too busy to laugh and have fun.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ What is it Leo that puts the fear of taking a chance or moving forward into you? That is a question this week that you need to focus on. The only thing Leo that holds you back from getting what you want this week is going to be your own mind chatter and fears telling you it’s not possible. There is nothing farther from the truth. You’ll find that if you just face the demons that have you stuck then moving forward is much easier then you think it is.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ Be careful this week Virgo with whom you put your trust in. There are some things going on under the surface that aren’t apparent and may directly affect your heart. You’re going to have to really listen to your gut feelings this week. This has been going on for some time, but you’ve not wanted to really believe it. So when those red flags go up, don’t ignore them or it will come back to bite you in the end.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ Time to let go and “let God/Universe” this week Libra. You’ve been trying to control the situation far too long and it’s getting you nowhere. You have to have faith in the process and learn to believe that everything happens for a reason. So loosen your hold, toss it up and allow it all to play out, exactly as it’s meant to. You may not see the good in doing that right now, but believe me, down the road you’ll be happy you did.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ Money is probably on the fore front of things this week Scorp. And that new beginning you’ve been wanting when it comes to finances may seem elusive and so far away. It’s been a rough go for you, no doubt. But it’s important for you to stay positive and really dig your heals in so this cycle can finally come to a close. It’s coming, no doubt, but you can’t just pretend the issue doesn’t exist or that you don’t have the ability to put for the effort needed to get this ball rolling. Get your head out of the sand and get moving.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ This week Sag you may see all of your secrets being revealed. Hopefully they have all been on the up and up and not going to directly affect other’s lives in a negative manner. If you’ve been playing clean when it comes to others feelings etc., then you’re good. However, if you’ve been keeping the secrets for your own personal gain with the possibility of hurting others, don’t be surprised if it all blows up in your face. I’m hoping it’s all good for you, but if not, maybe you’d want to find a hiding place for the next week. 

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ Green light Capricorn!! This is a great week to finally put all of those ideas into play. You’ve been going over your plan in your head now for months. The time is finally here to get it out of your head and use all of your ambition and drive into actually getting the wheels in motion. No procrastinating allowed! You’ll find that once you get moving then things will just start falling into place. Stay focused and positive because the time has finally come for all of your ducks to magically fall into their rolls.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ Your focus this week is on home and family. You’ll find that home is your sanctuary this week. If you’ve been wanting to redecorate or even start a new hobby together with your loved ones, this is the perfect week to do that. You’ve had a summer of full steam ahead but this week is the beginning of things finally settling down and enjoying your comfort zone. Relax Aquarius, schedule a massage, read a good book. Recharge yourself now, before things pick back up again.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ You may be feeling like you’ve been going around in circles Pisces. Spinning your wheels trying to figure out why things just aren’t moving forward. What you need to take ask yourself is are doing anything different or are you just repeating the same mistakes over again? It doesn’t matter how much you try beating a dead horse to get up and move, if it’s dead, well you know where I’m going with this. If you want things to change than you must BE THE CHANGE. So start focusing on areas of your own beliefs that need to be shifted and jump off that merry-go-round.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Tarot Scopes. If you’d like a full in-depth reading please email me at to set up an appointment.
Much Peace!
Kathy Keel

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Tarot Scopes ~ by Kathy Laston-Keel

Week of June 21, 2010

Aries (Mar 20-April 19)
This week Aries the Sun in Cancer may force you to rethink some choices from your most recent past. Perhaps the changes or action you’ve put into motion aren’t working out the way you originally envisioned them to. It’s not too late to re-evaluate your original course and perhaps make some changes or tweets that will make the transition easier for you. While I don’t feel you need to abandon ship all together it would be wise to think things out about your plans a little further down the line and how your actions today will create the reactions into the future. You always have brilliant ideas Aries, just this time you need to put a bit more focus on the mundane aspects of the situation which will allow getting from point A to point B a bit less stressful for you.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
Taurus, this week brings in a rather childlike energy. Fun and carefree thoughts will seem to surround you throughout the days ahead. Taking a trip down memory lane and remembering how it feels to not have a care in the world would do you so much good right now. Don’t be discouraged however if the people around you don’t want to take the trip with you. Don’t allow them to rain on your parade if at all possible. Take some time to really nurture the child within. It will leave you feeling more renewed and energized then you have felt in months. Perhaps doing something to get your creative juices flowing will also spark some new and invigorating ideas for you. Whatever the case may be, try to look at things this week through the eyes of a child, and watch how magical your week unfolds.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Gems this week you may be presented with the opportunity to catch that huge wave and ride it all the way. Tons of exciting energy is at your disposal this week if you so choose to act on it. Don’t just sit on your hands and do nothing. Accept that invite, go to that party, and attend that community activity. There are exciting and beneficial people that are just waiting to cross paths with you. Whether it is romance or business in nature it promises to open up unexpected and exciting doors. And for the ladies out there...don’t be surprised if this week doesn’t find you the center of attention with more than one exciting male suitors.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Cancers you may find yourself faced with having to buckle down a bit harder this week. There is energy of focused diligence that will surround you. You’re going to have to be practical when it comes to work and money even if you do not want to put that much effort into play. Don’t worry your hard work and focused determination will pay off in the end. Take care of all of those mundane details that you’ve been putting off. Get that in-box cleared, finish that spring cleaning, and finally balance that check book. Once you clear your head and space of the loose ends you’ll be able to kick up your feet, relax and enjoy yourself in the weeks to follow.
Leo (July 22-Aug 22)
The Sun in Cancer this week Leo will trigger some deep internal searching for you. This week isn’t ideal for you to surround yourself with a lot of commotion. Too much excitable energy will leave you feeling anxious and scattered. This would be the perfect week for you to just kick back with a good book, meditation or yoga. Take some time out to nurture yourself Leo, it will do you worlds of good. You still have plenty of summer left to get out there and be your normal charismatic self, so no worries. Just remember that sometimes we all need a bit of down time, and this week proves to be ideal for you in that aspect.
Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22)
Virgo you may have found yourself not actually being yourself lately. You’re normally the routine rigid one of the bunch however you may not even recognize you or your behaviour in the past few months. There are new aspects of your personality coming out which will show you how to be a more well rounded and balanced individual. We all know the old saying of “All work and no play...”. Well you’re finally enjoying a taste of the “play” part of that saying. The only area of caution that I may want to stress is your area of finances. Don’t get too carried away with your spending right now. Throwing too much caution to the wind when it comes to spending more then you should will end up biting you in the bum down the road. So while it’s ok to enjoy this “new you” emerging, remember to keep that realistic part of you in balance as well.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23)
What a great week for the Libra’s out there. Take advantage of all of the awesome things that are surrounding you at present. Don’t be surprised if you even find that some of those “wishes” you have been putting out into the Universe are finally beginning to come to pass. If you’ve been thinking about starting a new exercise program or improving your appearance, there is no better time than now. It’s highly likely that anything new you begin to improve your appearance or health will stick too with these energies. In addition take some time out at night to sit under the stars. You’ll find some of your most creative inspiration right now with the help of the moon and stars. Take advantage of all that the Universe is presenting to you Libra!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22)
The Universe is sending you a lot of subtle messages and signs right now Scorpio, are you paying attention to them? You can’t deny that the synchronicities and series of events lately have been for nothing. You would be hard pressed to even try to blame them on coincidence. I myself don’t believe in coincidence which leads me to say, OPEN YOUR EYES Scorp, everything is happening for a reason! Pay attention not only to the outside validations you’re seeing but also to that nagging sensation that is going on in the pit of your stomach. Act on your intuition now as it’s very highly in tune with the things going on that your eyes aren’t seeing. Doing say will save you a lot of disappointment down the road.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
This week has your mind on your home and family life Sag. This is the perfect time to make those improvements and changes to your home life that you’ve been mulling over. There are also financial changes going on around you. This week may have you concerned about shared income. Don’t be surprised if you feel a bit of a crunch where other people’s contributions to your finances are concerned. Take it all in stride the best you can right now. The changes that are stirring around you may feel a bit uncomfortable now, yes, but you’ll see that everything is happening exactly the way it’s supposed to for the betterment of your own growth.

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)
Capricorn why all of the worry? You and I both know that worrying about things you have no control over is useless. I am a firm believer in the theory that fears grow legs. This is exactly what you are in line for if you don’t start watching where your negative thoughts flow. Take control of the things you can control (yourself) and let go of the things you can’t (others). Your emotions may be getting the best of you right now so maybe take some time to learn to meditate or read some inspiration books to get your emotions back on track. This too shall pass Capricorn, but how bent out of shape emotionally will you get before it does? Only you can decide that.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18)
So, Aquarius, have you been slacking in certain areas of life that you know you shouldn’t be slacking? If you have, now is the time to grab the bull by the horns and stop procrastinating. Things aren’t going to get done on their own as you are well aware. Perhaps you’ve been a bit scattered or unorganized? This week would be the perfect week to sit down, make those lists and start checking things off. Often if you feel there is just too much surrounding you then you don’t know where to start. However, with a little bit of determination and discipline you can get down to the nitty griddy of the things that you have been putting off. We both know that once you finally do get started, there is no stopping you.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
Pisces this week you may find yourself feeling like you’re in it alone. If this is the case then perhaps you may want to sit down and take a good look at where these feelings are coming from. Are you perhaps the one that is being stubborn and perhaps even controlling that you are refusing the help that is really right there before you? Often times Pisces you’re so strong willed that you want to do it all on your own. But this week as a result of that personality trait you may find it hard to truly show others that you do in fact want and need their support. There is a time and place to show your strength Pisces and everyone around you does know how truly strong you are. However, this week, it’s ok to show that you can’t always do everything on your own. So suck it up and reach out. The people that love you will be more than happy to be there for you!

If you’d like to experience a full in-depth reading by Kathy feel free to email her at

Monday, June 7, 2010


Tarot Scopes ~ by Goddess of Tarot

June 7, 2010

(Mar 20-April 19) ~ Some deeply magical and karmic lessons are coming for you, Aries, that will require you to tap into the deepest part of your being. You must have felt the planetary shifts shaking up your life recently bringing chaos, expansion and luck to you. Now, it is as if you can see the bounty available to you that you were either unaware of or unentitled to previously. Whether or not these gifts will be granted to you will depend solely on your character. For some, you must win the approval of a deeply intuitive female. For others, this is a hidden part of yourself that you must bring forward in order to advance. You are about to be tested as to the purity of your intentions and the sincerity of your heart. Will you be true?

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ The Moon moves through your sign briefly around midweek, encouraging you to find time to dream and to indulge in your favourite pampering routines. Be sure to take advantage of these mysterious moon vibrations. You are being called to look deeply into the parts of yourself that you have been ignoring as of late. With all the other demands on your time, your focus has been outward. This week, try to bring that same focus inward. It is a good week for meditation, automatic writing, learning the tarot or reading about Goddesses. It is a strong feminine influence encompassing all that is secret, mysterious, dark, and invisible. You will end the week with absolutely nothing tangible to show for all your efforts, but the inner wisdom you reach will last a lifetime. Trust your inner voice and seek your inner psychic.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ Your ruling planet Mercury moves into your sign this week. If you thought you had the gift of gab before, look out! People will be reaching out that you have long forgotten, missing letters and other interesting contacts will be popping up everywhere. Strangers will be chatting you up all over the place and you will be more than happy to oblige them all. You will flitter here and there with juicy stories, gossip and hopefully a few wonderfully new inventive ideas. Just be careful. Don’t wear yourself out. Don’t spend so much of your time with others that you miss out on a wonderful opportunity. You know what I am referring to. That long talk you need to have with yourself! Yes, your inner voice has a lot to tell you so don’t tune it out with endless chatter. Find time for you amidst the hectic pace or you will lose out on the best conversation you’ll have all week.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ You’ve been lost in love and dreaminess, learning lessons of the heart. You have filled your cup and shared it, growing and expanding your emotional roots. I’m so happy you have had this time because this week sees you shift focus completely. Yes, there is work to be done, contracts to discuss, plans and revisions to make. It’s a busy week for you in the “real world” sense. Some of you will be making plans to move, others will starting a new job or new creative project. If you are looking for any funding or backing in your pursuits, this is the time to schedule meetings, make appointments and get out there talking to people. It’s a mover and a shaker week, Cancer. Let’s see you work your magic and charm with all those whom you meet who can help you. Get to work and the rewards will come threefold back to you in the future. Slack off and the same will result. What are you going to choose?

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ I hope you survived the drastic upheaval and changes of last week, that you didn’t try to effect change, and instead simply bore witness to the events. This week is the time to assess the damages. You will be taking stock of what you still have around and in your life. Sure, a few things you felt quite attached too have slipped away in the chaos but you must come to realize that what you were left with is really all you need to succeed. The Universe will never leave us hanging. This shake up was meant to loosen all that you no longer need and get you to focus on what will feed your life for the next 7 years. Yes, it’s long term planning time. I suggest making lists. I suggest you start with the Pro’s side and go from there.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ Mars moves into Virgo giving you the drive and determination to finish what you start. Pick your battles. You won’t want to be sticking it out until the bitter end unless it’s truly worth your precious time and energy. If it is a new financial situation that you are trying to secure, you have great luck on your side. If it is a new cause or course of study that you have taken up, be sure it is something you believe in wholeheartedly. You may feel like you are cutting through endless red tape or you may feel that the ground you stand on is going to shift at any given moment, causing you an embarrassing stumble. Do not fear. I have faith in you. Others have faith in you also. If you feel over your head at any point, call up someone who has been there before. You may also be driven to cut out people and situations that no longer serve your growth. Do it and don’t look back. Your life is changing so quickly you cannot afford to bring along dead weight. Let it go and then bravely charge ahead. PS. Mars in your sign also amps up your sex drive!

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ I have good news this week Libra! You are being granted a gift, a golden opportunity, a chance to change your life for the better and never look back. This could start with the arrival of great news about a new family member, a visitor, a lucky break or the entrance of a kindred spirit in your life. But honestly, I think that this burst of fresh joy will manifest internally. I feel that you will turn to yourself first and create this state of unconditional love and trust in yourself, in your life path and in what you hold dear. I feel that once you make this renewed commitment to live through your Heart, that the Universe will honour that decision by showering you with instant loving kindness and rewards of intimacy, belonging and trust like you have never believed possible before. Reach for the Divine within and you will be blessed by the Divine without.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ Relationships are still the dominant theme for you this week. I know that you have been trying your best under trying times. Things are smoothing out around you and under the current cosmic climate most of us are still scrambling with one crisis or another in our lives. For you, let everything slide that can afford to lose your immediate attention. You need to nurture the people who have loved and supported you the longest. Let’s face it, as wonderful as you are, you can be a challenge to stay connected with and to truly know. Let down your guard and allow the ones who take you at your worst to share with you in your best. If you feel yourself getting nostalgic, reach out to people you’ve lost touch with from your past. Cultivate the bonds that matter, share stories of the past and make plans for the future. This is the time to connect with others and strengthen the ties that bind. Grow the unconditional kind of love that will feed you in the future.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ Please say you took some time to organize yourself last week because I know you are diving back into full on work mode once again. This time though, you don’t have a choice. People want your attention, contracts need revisiting, new clients and business associates want your time also. With some folk, it seems that your best efforts are going unappreciated. It seems that the harder you work, the less appreciation you receive in return. I say it “seems” because it is partly your own viewpoint that creates this feeling. Again, I need to ask you some important questions. Are you working because you love it and it feeds you or are you working because you don’t know else to do?

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ I am so happy to see your energy is getting lighter this week. It looks like you will have free time to spend how you like it. I know that normally involves work of some sort. You don’t fool me easily. I know if you are not working at work you are working on your off time. You normally have project upon project on the go. Do yourself a gigantic favour and spend your extra time doing absolutely nothing constructive at all. You are still riding that “contemplating your navel” energy but this time your attention is more directed at your environment. Go for long walks and ask yourself interesting questions like: How does your environment effect who you are and how you feel or think? If you could live in any climate, what would you choose? Do you believe that if you made your inner and outer worlds match, that the Universe would provide for you?

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ This is deep, Aquarius. Prepare yourself for some Higher Truths to reveal themselves to you. Prepare for an experience that stops you in your tracks and makes you feel honestly and truly humble. I hope you are on the lucky side of Karma because this is not going to be left to any chance. What is before you will follow strict moral ethics and unwavering, by the letter decision making. Some of you will be in a legal situation where a decision is made that is apparently irrevocable. Others will be advancing into more complicated modes of study with greater responsibilities lying before you. In any case, a commitment is required of you that will not be easily broken. Take it on with faith and it could be the key to you discovering a greater awareness.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ Look out Pisces! You have been smooth sailing for weeks now but suddenly you hit a snag. Actually, your boat is struck by lightning just as you enter shark infested waters! It’s out of the frying pan and into the fire you go! Okay, maybe I’m reading too many adventure stories. You are not in that much danger but you are in for a Great Big Shock. You are going to be caught off your guard. Your life is going to feel unpredictable and unmanageable at times. You may even decide to sit down and have a good cry. Let it out. Stomp and yell and say it’s not fair. Feel better? Okay, great. Now let’s take a look at what went wrong and why. Well, that is for you to determine, but wait until the dust settles completely and then start asking yourself the really important questions. Like, what role did you play in the disaster and what role will you play in repairing the damage?
Contact Goddess of Tarot for a full indepth reading at

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tarot Scopes ~ Kathy Laston-Keel

June 1, 2010

Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~

The present week Aries you may find that life feels like it’s in a standstill. Rather than look at this week as being a bit “boring”, it would be wise perhaps use this downtime to review your life and past up until this point. Pinpoint areas of your life that you see unhealthy patterns that need to be changed. The energies suggest that you have some major transformational Universal energy at your disposal. Use the energies for healing, growth and movement ahead. You can actually expect the next few weeks to really make headway into clearing out old obstacles or bad habits, if you so choose.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~

Taurus, this week you may find yourself smack dab center of some family quarrels. You may have no choice but to involve yourself in order to bring peace to the situation. It’s highly suggested to find a way to bring peace while remaining neutral and not taking sides. Neither side is wrong; they are just having a hard time seeing it from the other side’s point of view. You may also be faced with the realization that one of your little birds is ready to fly the coupe and move onward. Don’t discourage your youngins to not spread their wings no matter how much this may scare you. Accept the fact that all kids do in fact have to leave home some day. Allow them to make their own choices if at all possible. Even if you know it’s not the “best” choice it’s the only way they will learn important life lessons.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~

This week may find you feeling a bit impulsive Gemini. The energies surrounding you warn against taking risks unless all factors are carefully considered. There may be unexpected surprises that start popping up all around you, leaving you feeling unbalanced and unsure. Don’t worry; these energies will clear out soon enough. The important thing this week is for just try to look at your situation from every angle. Make a list of the pro’s and con’s of any action you’re considering whether it pertains to work, domestic life or relationships. Don’t make any rash decisions, changes or moves until this energy passes. By next week, things will start to be uncovered that will allow you to make a more informed decision or choice.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~

Time to get cracking Cancer. Grab the bull by the horns and confront the situation(s) that have been nagging at you. No more procrastination as the energies of this week gives you the courage and the strength to take on those issues or situations that you’ve been avoiding. Don’t worry or concern yourself with what others may think. Others don’t always have your best interest at heart. So disregard your fears of others opinions, or that you may hurt someone’s feelings right now with decisions that will better your life. Obviously do your best to be compassionate, but don’t bend. It’s time to do what’s best for you in order for your own emotional and mental well being.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~

Problems with romantic relationships may feel overwhelming at the present time Leo. You may really be forced to re-evaluate those relationships in your life that just don’t seem to be working. Have you been holding on or clinging to toxic situations? If so, this week is an ideal time for you to finally start letting go. Relationships aren’t always easy, but they should never feel like a constant battle or struggle up hill. If your current relationship feels like it’s draining the ever livin life out of you, then it is. It’s time to cut it loose and make room for more healthy and loving situations to enter.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~

As a Virgo, you probably don’t like to allow others to offer you help. The control factor is something that is embedded into you. However this week may leave you no choice. There are surmounting issues that may be coming to a head and they may be just too much for you to handle. There are people around you Virgo that wants to help, so why not allow them to? This doesn’t mean you will “owe them”, nor does it mean you will lose any control over your situation. It just means that there are good hearted people that love you and surround you. Let them in. They may just come up with solutions and lessons that you can take with you on your Journey and use for your advantage in the future.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~

Except that apology this week Libra. If you have found yourself in the recent past in some quarrels with loved ones, they are about to see the error of their ways and where they were wrong. Expect them to come forward and rationally explain their point of view but also offer you the apology that is rightly yours. Make sure that you allow them to do this while you yourself keep an open mind and heart. The “I told you so” approach will only create more animosity. So allow them to come forward and make their peace so that you can finally put this troublesome and turbulent situation behind you.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~

You have something that is worrying you very much lately Scorp. You may even find yourself losing sleep over this issue. The cards this week indicate that this troublesome time is soon coming to a close. Your fears of it all have been much worse then it truly is and you’re just starting to see this now. Worry does you no good when you have no control over the situation. So just remember the old saying; “God doesn’t bring you to it, if he doesn’t bring you through it”. Things will settle done soon enough. Try your best to relax until the end of this energy flows by you.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~

The energy around you this week may seem a bit excessive for even you this week Sagittarius. Even though you are normally a lover of adrenaline you may feel a bit discombobulated or confused about the face pace buzzing around you. Take this week in stride. There may be changes approaching that you weren’t exactly aware of but this fast energy will bring them your way. These changes will prove to be beneficial down the road. We don’t always have the answers to the “whys” right NOW, but they are always shown to us as time goes on. So no matter what happens this week, remember, it’s all for a reason.

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~

Get your party clothes our Capicorn. Mingle, meet people and just enjoy life. This week is the perfect time for you to get out and meet new and exciting people. If you are single, expect to meet someone that is very open and fun loving. Just ride this wave and enjoy all of the fun that the Universe is sharing with you. If you are married or attached, this week could prove ideal for rekindling the fun in your relationships. Do something you normally wouldn’t do...spice it up a bit. A little effort now will go a long way into the future and the excitement of your current relationship.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~

Change is the current theme of this week Aqua. So make sure that you’re not clinging or holding onto any one thing right now. There are important events taking place that will create this change so pay attention. Don’t take anything as coincidence either. Everything is happened exactly the way it’s supposed to in order to usher these current and beneficial changes in. Use your nature charisma and love of fun right now too. Get out there and meet new people. Go to that networking event. Speak in front of that group that you’ve been invited to. You will be in the presence of some very important people that could assist you in furthering your current path. The changes around you can be awesome if you allow it all to happen and flow exactly as it’s meant to.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~

A lot around you has you in a state of discouragement and disgust. Seems like you’re feeling that people around you just keep falling short and letting you down, doesn’t it? Well I’m here to say that you really should stop and do some heavy soul searching on this one. Don’t place the blame where it doesn’t belong. Take a look around you and review where you’re struggling. You may find that the common denominator here is you. So it may be time to reign in that stubbornness and try to look at it from others points of view. There may be some compromise available to you. But you’re going to have to really suck it up and take advantage of it, if you want to find your way out of this recent funk you’ve been experiencing.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Tarot Scopes. If you’d like a full in-depth reading please email me at to set up an appointment.

Much Peace!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tarot Scopes ~ May 24, 2010

Tarot Scopes ~ by Goddess of Tarot

May 24, 2010

Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ The planet of cosmic consciousness and revolutionary change, Uranus, moves into Aries this week. Yes, this planet teaches us to grow in the oddest of ways. It is known as the disruptive, crazy chaotic planet that delivers an abundance of strange, unpredictable circumstances. If you have been awaiting a win fall of any kind, this is the week it will arrive. If you have been planting the sweetest kinds of seeds in your life, this week will see them bloom. The opposite of course is also true, so if you have been creating a scene for others in your life, it is now coming back on you! Embrace the expansive energy around you and allow yourself to be wonderfully surprised.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ Aren’t you a lucky one this week Taurus! The Sun has moved out of your sign, and on its way out it is showering you with a bounty of earthly delights. You only need to be open to receive the gifts falling all around you. The greatest blessing bestowed upon you is a feeling of belonging and a renewed confidence in who you are and the path you are on. You are being reminded that you are indeed in the right place, working towards the right goal for yourself and those in your life. The glow of the Sun has been shining on you, restoring your life force energy for another year. Bask in the light of your own being and remember to share the wealth around you!

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ Happy Birthday Gemini! The Sun moves into your sign bringing the focus on your outward self, your character, your ego, and what you radiate outwards. It also brings a wellspring of renewal and energy to you and what some call the celestial spotlight! Yes, eyes will be upon you, so show them your best, most confident self! It’s true that this week your confidence will be high, and if it isn’t you are being asked to work on it. You are being called to learn to trust in yourself, your ideas, your intuition and your ability to let go of control and allow things to come to you at their own pace. You have an extra sprinkle of magic with you so it’s a perfect time to launch new projects of any kind!

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places Cancer? Have you been seeking your satisfaction and self worth from people and situations that do not feed your heart and soul? Have you been expecting joy and blessings to fall from the sky and instantly transform your entire life? Are you on your own pilgrimage seeking the Holy Grail of eternal life? Well seek no further! The time is upon you to make the greatest, most precious discovery that your heart has been longing for. The secret to finding this all? Hint: Everything you seek is within you! Dig deep into the well spring of your own cup, then pass it on.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ Next month will see the planet Jupiter and Venus in your sign, with the Moon passing through Leo twice. Jupiter rules expansion and leadership while Venus rules relationships, empathy and your sense of beauty. What this means is that soon you will be expected to be a leader in your community in ways to increase love and beauty in the lives of those around you. What this means for you NOW is that you have a lot of planning to do! The message I am getting for you is to take this slower celestial time period leading up to June to brainstorm and get those creative ideas flowing, documented, and then revised. When these big planets make the shift, you’ll need to be ready! Get on it now Leo! You’ll surprise even yourself with the brilliance that will come out of you once you put pen to paper.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ You truly have good reason to toot your own horn, to prance around like a lion and maybe even thrown in a few gregarious roars in a playful boast of your greatness. Yes Virgo, I said greatness. Saturn in your sign has had his way of encouraging the workaholic in you to keep at it and to hide yourself away in a mad attempt to maintain control over your life. Now that you have all the structures in place that Saturn has been asking of you, it is time to come out and show off all you have learned and accomplished. If the riches haven’t poured in yet, fake it ‘til you make it. Two years of slaving away has perhaps not made you a fortune, but it has put you in the right position to start it all rolling. You’ve got it, now flaunt it!

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ This week sees the planet of crazy and chaos moving into your opposite sign. If you didn’t have enough nutters in your life already, prepare to meet a whole whack of them! You’ll be drawing them in like a magnet and there isn’t much you can do but accept it. The key to surviving the madness revolves around creating your Sacred Space. Whether this is a literal space you carve out in the physical world, your Inner Sanctuary, or Medicine Wheel, your task this week is to create, visit and cozy it up. You will be encouraged to spend copious amounts of time there to offset the unpredictable people in your life. The best offense is a good defense!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ The atmosphere around you has a sudden chill and the smell of indifference. You are turning your back on someone who loves you Scorpio! What is it that is keeping you stuck in your ways? What is holding you back from finding balance or building a bridge? This impasse will not solve itself but is here to teach you a valuable, meaningful lesson in life. None of us can exist as islands or rocks, not even you. Think deeply about the distance that is growing between the ones you love and make an honest, heartfelt attempt to reach out. There is nothing more important than your relationships with other people, absolutely nothing!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ You have your ducks lined up in a row, you have your target in sight, you are clearly on point Sag. Your determination and dedication has served you well. I see you reaching your goal with grace and ease. The only possible snag in this whole scene will be how well you treat and acknowledge the people who help you get to where you are going. There can be a possibility for you to be so focused on the prize that you forget the reasons you are there in the first place. You cannot ever lift yourself up by putting others down. Remember to send love and praises to everyone behind the scenes in your life who lift and support you to become the super star you are!

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ The warm weather is here, the time for planting and starting new life to burst forth from the ground is upon most of us. As I was puttering around in the soil today admiring the new shoots and perennials that have returned this year in abundance, I was reminded to tell you to look at your personal life in the same way. We reap what we sow, and for you it’s time to plant metaphorical seeds and begin processes that will continue to sprout, grow and multiply for generations to come. Think deeply about your daily thoughts and where you place your energy, for that is what will expand and spread in the future. Your life is a garden Capricorn, dig it!

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ Dear Aquarius, please turn off the computer immediately after reading this scope. This message will self destruct. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to lose yourself in a dreamy gushing romance with yourself. Please spend quality time gazing at your navel, the stars, and deciphering ancient archaic spiritual messages from passing clouds while lazing about wearing the most flamboyant, creatively colourful outfit in your possession. Your objective? To discover the deepest most passionate aspect of your Self and allow it absolute expression. It’s time to make deep connections with your inner muse and rediscover the depths of your passion.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ Lock the door. Turn off the phone. Tell your friends and family not to worry about your disappearance. You see, Love is calling to you with the sweet pull of a siren’s song. You cannot resist and really there is no point in trying. Enjoy this special time Pisces, you truly are a caring and sensitive soul who deserves love in overflowing abundance. Take advantage of the full moon this week and spend it in your lover’s arms. The bonds between you will surely grow even stronger this week and you will be lost in a most enlightening exchange. For singles, the message is about balance in all your loving relationships and maintaining balance within yourself. Make sure you are receiving what you need for all the giving you do. If you are seeking new love, this is a great time to find someone who is an equal instead of a drain on your heart.
For a full indepth reading with Goddess of Tarot contact her at: