Monday, November 29, 2010


Tarot Scopes
By Kathy Laston-Keel
Week of 11/29/2010

Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ This week Aries you may find the energy around you is one of feeling like you’re getting nowhere. This could indicate that the current path you’ve been following isn’t exactly the right course for you. If you’ve felt overwhelmed with a sense of obstacles or just feeling stuck then perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate where you’re heading. Keep yourself open to the signs and synchronicities around you. They may just be trying to show you it’s time to jump ship or make some major adjustments to your current situation, before it’s too late.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ Tired of waiting Taurus? Want it all to happen right now? Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re going to just have to have some patience this next week. Things may not move as quickly as you’d like, but remember that everything happens for a reason. So instead of trying to force things to happen, sit back and allow it to all unfold as it must. There are important steps that need to be covered before you reach the conclusion of your situation. Just relax, it will all in the most perfect of timing.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ Don’t be surprised Gemini if you find yourself in the middle of some very exciting challenges this week. They may seem a bit difficult at first but as long as you face them all head on, you’ll do just great. This isn’t a week to be passive about things. So take the bull by the horns and don’t let anything get in your way. You’ve got what it takes to overcome anything tossed your way. It’s also a perfect week to impress those higher ups, which could result in a raise or promotion, down the road.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ You may need to make some adjustment or changes to your plans this week Cancer. The best way to deal with this weeks energy is to do your best to remain flexible and fluid. Roll with the changes instead of fighting against them and you’ll see it will be much easier in the long run. If you have any type of attachment to an outcome, then be prepared to be disappointed. There are many lessons in learning to go with the flow, and this week is the perfect time to face those lessons with an open mind and open heart.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ Leo’s this week are going to find that you will be faced with some decisions to make changes around you that aren’t the most comfortable. But being the Leo you are, that shouldn’t throw you too far off your center. Are there people, relationships or situations around you Leo that seems to have passed their expiration date? If so, this is the perfect week to finally decide to let go. Holding on to people or situations that aren’t emotionally or mentally healthy just holds you down, as you know. So work on release and change this week and see how easily your week flows.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ You may find yourself faced against a particular person or people this week Virgo that makes you want to run and hide. You’ll find yourself saying; “Has everyone around me gone nuts?”. The best way to handle this week Virgo is to not take anything personally. Remember that you don’t live in anyone else’s head. And what they do is a reflection of their own issues and troubles. Do your best to deal with the people around you without any emotional attachment as to not get sucked into the drama yourself. Remember, always take the high road, you’ll be so much happier with yourself, if you do.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ The past couple of weeks may have you feeling uncertain and unfocused Libra. This period is now coming to an end and the haze you’ve felt yourself enveloped in, is about to leave. Any important work or decisions you’ve been putting off is finally able to be re-visited now. It’s important for you to keep a realistic attitude with things this week as well. So make sure that any decisions or projects have a firm foundation under them for better longevity. Anything that you begin on a whim or from an emotional place may end up needing to be re-vamped and re-worked into the future. So plant yourself firmly on the ground now, so you don’t have go back and re-adjust later.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ This may be a week of unexplained occurrences for you Scorpio. You’re a very intuitive person anyway, but this week you may find that your instincts are off the chart. Pay close attention to the signs, synchronicities and most importantly your dreams this week. There are going to be messages tossed in front of you and if you’re not open or aware, you just may miss them. Keep your attention based on the “feelings” you’re getting about people around you as well. Trust in your gut instincts and don’t second guess yourself. If it just doesn’t feel right to you, then rest assured, it’s not.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ This is a good week Sag to catch up on your rest. You may not feel 100% physically or even mentally this week, so I suggest you don’t push it. Take time out to relax (although hard for a Sagittarius, I know). If you push yourself too far this week, then you’ll end up paying for it in the weeks ahead. You don’t always have to be on the go Sag, you’re not going to miss anything by staying home and chilling. So perhaps it’s better to pass on that coming invite to go paint the town red. Rest up now so you have plenty of that fiery energy back for the Holidays, when you really are in need of it.

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ Have you been feeling like you’re taking the back seat lately Capricorn? The energy surrounding you suggests that you may be feeling like your needs are going unmet, yet you’ve been meeting other people’s needs around you. Where do you place the blame for these feelings? It’s important for you to realize that if you are the only one responsible for your own happiness, so stop waiting for others to make you happy. If you keep putting yourself last, it’s only setting the example for others to do the same. Time to get your priorities straight Cap, and that starts with YOU.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ Are you experiencing feelings of anxiety again with money? No doubt you’ve gone through a rough couple of years with your finances. And although things are beginning to clear you may still find some bumps along the way. It’s important for you to take it all one day at a time right now. Don’t allow the panic of the past couple of years to seed itself. Just remember that like everything, money is energy. You have to allow it to flow freely. Take a good look at all the lessons the past couple of years and how it’s changed your relationship with money and remember that this too shall pass.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ You may find that your patience are wearing thin this week Pisces. Don’t be surprised if every little thing that people say or do gets under your skin. It’s going to be important this week to keep a lid on any resentfulness and jealousy too. Think BEFORE you speak is a good rule to follow. Remember that words can never be unheard. Just try your best to distance yourself from the people that seem to be irritating you without creating a lot of drama. These stressful energies will indeed pass. Hopefully BEFORE you do or say anything you’ll regret later.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Tarot Scopes. If you’d like a full in-depth reading please email me at to set up an appointment.

Much Peace!
Kathy Keel

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