Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tarot Scopes ~ May 24, 2010

Tarot Scopes ~ by Goddess of Tarot

May 24, 2010

Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ The planet of cosmic consciousness and revolutionary change, Uranus, moves into Aries this week. Yes, this planet teaches us to grow in the oddest of ways. It is known as the disruptive, crazy chaotic planet that delivers an abundance of strange, unpredictable circumstances. If you have been awaiting a win fall of any kind, this is the week it will arrive. If you have been planting the sweetest kinds of seeds in your life, this week will see them bloom. The opposite of course is also true, so if you have been creating a scene for others in your life, it is now coming back on you! Embrace the expansive energy around you and allow yourself to be wonderfully surprised.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ Aren’t you a lucky one this week Taurus! The Sun has moved out of your sign, and on its way out it is showering you with a bounty of earthly delights. You only need to be open to receive the gifts falling all around you. The greatest blessing bestowed upon you is a feeling of belonging and a renewed confidence in who you are and the path you are on. You are being reminded that you are indeed in the right place, working towards the right goal for yourself and those in your life. The glow of the Sun has been shining on you, restoring your life force energy for another year. Bask in the light of your own being and remember to share the wealth around you!

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ Happy Birthday Gemini! The Sun moves into your sign bringing the focus on your outward self, your character, your ego, and what you radiate outwards. It also brings a wellspring of renewal and energy to you and what some call the celestial spotlight! Yes, eyes will be upon you, so show them your best, most confident self! It’s true that this week your confidence will be high, and if it isn’t you are being asked to work on it. You are being called to learn to trust in yourself, your ideas, your intuition and your ability to let go of control and allow things to come to you at their own pace. You have an extra sprinkle of magic with you so it’s a perfect time to launch new projects of any kind!

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places Cancer? Have you been seeking your satisfaction and self worth from people and situations that do not feed your heart and soul? Have you been expecting joy and blessings to fall from the sky and instantly transform your entire life? Are you on your own pilgrimage seeking the Holy Grail of eternal life? Well seek no further! The time is upon you to make the greatest, most precious discovery that your heart has been longing for. The secret to finding this all? Hint: Everything you seek is within you! Dig deep into the well spring of your own cup, then pass it on.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ Next month will see the planet Jupiter and Venus in your sign, with the Moon passing through Leo twice. Jupiter rules expansion and leadership while Venus rules relationships, empathy and your sense of beauty. What this means is that soon you will be expected to be a leader in your community in ways to increase love and beauty in the lives of those around you. What this means for you NOW is that you have a lot of planning to do! The message I am getting for you is to take this slower celestial time period leading up to June to brainstorm and get those creative ideas flowing, documented, and then revised. When these big planets make the shift, you’ll need to be ready! Get on it now Leo! You’ll surprise even yourself with the brilliance that will come out of you once you put pen to paper.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ You truly have good reason to toot your own horn, to prance around like a lion and maybe even thrown in a few gregarious roars in a playful boast of your greatness. Yes Virgo, I said greatness. Saturn in your sign has had his way of encouraging the workaholic in you to keep at it and to hide yourself away in a mad attempt to maintain control over your life. Now that you have all the structures in place that Saturn has been asking of you, it is time to come out and show off all you have learned and accomplished. If the riches haven’t poured in yet, fake it ‘til you make it. Two years of slaving away has perhaps not made you a fortune, but it has put you in the right position to start it all rolling. You’ve got it, now flaunt it!

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ This week sees the planet of crazy and chaos moving into your opposite sign. If you didn’t have enough nutters in your life already, prepare to meet a whole whack of them! You’ll be drawing them in like a magnet and there isn’t much you can do but accept it. The key to surviving the madness revolves around creating your Sacred Space. Whether this is a literal space you carve out in the physical world, your Inner Sanctuary, or Medicine Wheel, your task this week is to create, visit and cozy it up. You will be encouraged to spend copious amounts of time there to offset the unpredictable people in your life. The best offense is a good defense!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ The atmosphere around you has a sudden chill and the smell of indifference. You are turning your back on someone who loves you Scorpio! What is it that is keeping you stuck in your ways? What is holding you back from finding balance or building a bridge? This impasse will not solve itself but is here to teach you a valuable, meaningful lesson in life. None of us can exist as islands or rocks, not even you. Think deeply about the distance that is growing between the ones you love and make an honest, heartfelt attempt to reach out. There is nothing more important than your relationships with other people, absolutely nothing!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ You have your ducks lined up in a row, you have your target in sight, you are clearly on point Sag. Your determination and dedication has served you well. I see you reaching your goal with grace and ease. The only possible snag in this whole scene will be how well you treat and acknowledge the people who help you get to where you are going. There can be a possibility for you to be so focused on the prize that you forget the reasons you are there in the first place. You cannot ever lift yourself up by putting others down. Remember to send love and praises to everyone behind the scenes in your life who lift and support you to become the super star you are!

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ The warm weather is here, the time for planting and starting new life to burst forth from the ground is upon most of us. As I was puttering around in the soil today admiring the new shoots and perennials that have returned this year in abundance, I was reminded to tell you to look at your personal life in the same way. We reap what we sow, and for you it’s time to plant metaphorical seeds and begin processes that will continue to sprout, grow and multiply for generations to come. Think deeply about your daily thoughts and where you place your energy, for that is what will expand and spread in the future. Your life is a garden Capricorn, dig it!

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ Dear Aquarius, please turn off the computer immediately after reading this scope. This message will self destruct. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to lose yourself in a dreamy gushing romance with yourself. Please spend quality time gazing at your navel, the stars, and deciphering ancient archaic spiritual messages from passing clouds while lazing about wearing the most flamboyant, creatively colourful outfit in your possession. Your objective? To discover the deepest most passionate aspect of your Self and allow it absolute expression. It’s time to make deep connections with your inner muse and rediscover the depths of your passion.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ Lock the door. Turn off the phone. Tell your friends and family not to worry about your disappearance. You see, Love is calling to you with the sweet pull of a siren’s song. You cannot resist and really there is no point in trying. Enjoy this special time Pisces, you truly are a caring and sensitive soul who deserves love in overflowing abundance. Take advantage of the full moon this week and spend it in your lover’s arms. The bonds between you will surely grow even stronger this week and you will be lost in a most enlightening exchange. For singles, the message is about balance in all your loving relationships and maintaining balance within yourself. Make sure you are receiving what you need for all the giving you do. If you are seeking new love, this is a great time to find someone who is an equal instead of a drain on your heart.
For a full indepth reading with Goddess of Tarot contact her at:

Monday, May 10, 2010


Tarot Scopes ~ by Goddess of Tarot

May 10, 2010

Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ The last weeks have seen a lot of change and commotion in Aries world and those who were brave enough to face up to the challenges will see their rewards appear now. You have gained a new self confidence through your struggles and this seems to beam from within, outwards. Your loved ones will be pestering you to ask why you can’t seem to stop smiling! Yes, you do look a bit smug but you truly deserve it after your recent trials and tribulations. You’ve conquered a major feat in your life path and fulfilled a long held wish. Remember to share all that wonder you are feeling with everyone around you.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ The sun is still in your sign and this week sees a New Moon in Taurus as well. For some of you, a pregnancy is quite possible. If you are not looking to conceive literally, be extra careful this next week or two. If a pregnancy is not something that could land in your life, this energy would be best directed at a creative project or business launch. It seems that the great idea you have been stewing on and tending too is ready for the public. You have a perfect opportunity this week so don’t keep us all waiting much longer. Express, Taurus!

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ Most Gemini have free spirits and do not care for structure in a home setting, but this week there is a call for you to spend time where your roots are. Family is going to play a very important role in your life and offer you a kind of comfort that you don’t normally crave. Sometimes we need limits in order to grow, and in a way, this week is about containing your freedom for the sake of growth. Sound confusing? It will be, just a bit. Sound confining? It will be a bit of that too. Ultimately though, you will discover a new sense to the meaning of “freedom”.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ It is time to step into your own power this week Cancer. It is time to accept the role you play in your life and your relationships. It is time for you to say “What am I doing and what am I creating in my life?” The past has seen you asking these questions of others whereas the key to your life is YOU and what you do with your energy, time, thoughts and love. Forget the blame game and take the bull by the horns. If there are problems in your life, you are the one who created them and you are the only one who can fix them. This week, forget about the “other” it’s all about you!

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ Perhaps you are hearing trumpets and a chorus of angels all around you? Or is all the fanfare in your imagination? I don’t think so! Leo’s will be experiencing a grand awakening this week that will see you looking at life through new eyes and with a new heart. A chance for you to gain a renewed sense of wonder and marvel at the world is before you. It will feel like you are stepping through a doorway with a sign over head that reads “Enter Only”. Once you make the crossing there is no going back, but when you see how life looks from the other side, why would you want to?

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ This week Virgo, it’s all about the romantic and dreamy aspects of life. Mercury is going direct this week and your heart is about to receive a very direct message. It says “Open up and believe.” It’s true that Saturn has been putting you through the ultimate bought of tests and trials and you feel a bit worse for wear at the best of times. This time, the test is a much softer and delicate one. You are being called to listen to the fairy tales in your own heart, to seek your inner poet and mystic. It’s a time to realize your softness and more tender qualities. Some of you will have a special someone to draw this out in you, others will be stocking up on wine, chocolate, writing paper and art supplies!

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ See the light bulbs going off yet? Struck by lightning ? I hope not literally, Libra, but certainly metaphorically! What was a nagging issue yesterday is turning to a divine solution for tomorrow. Things are going to start to click into place for you and new ideas and insights will be springing up all around you. Connections are coming that will help you and communication will start to flow smoothly in all areas of your life. With Mercury turning direct, there are no more blocks for you but the key is to talk to people and keep talking until everyone has a viable solution before them.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ You are known for being mysterious and keeping people in the dark Scorpio. Right now you have something going on behind the scenes that you have been nurturing for some time. You have been quite unsure about your timing of revealing this and you have also been somewhat enjoying keeping it all to yourself! There’s no time like the present, so let us in! You also have a similar circumstance as Taurus this week, so if you are not looking to conceive, be extra careful this week. The stars are in your favour for creations of all kinds.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ Your current lessons revolve around love. What is your personal definition of love? How much do you love yourself? Your friends? Your community? Your planet? Do you receive as much love as you give? Do you define yourself by how much love you give or receive? What boundaries or limits do you place on love? Who is worthy of your love and who is not? That’s a lot of questions I’ve put towards you, but as I’ve once heard a wise person say “Regardless of the question, Love is the answer.” I believe that this week you are apt to find the answer to all your questions!

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ Congratulations Capricorn! You have successfully accomplished a major feat for yourself recently. This, though, is only the beginning of a far bigger project or commitment on your part and you may have mixed feelings about what you have now taken on. You will certainly need to pull out your thinking cap and find a way to follow this through to the end. Take time this week to write your ideas down and plan a course of action but also allow for this plan to change and flow. When you get further along, your perspective and insight will grow and allow for a better approach. For now, one step at a time. Try not to get too far ahead of yourself and stay fluid.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ Mercury is turning direct this week and although not your ruler, it does rule ideas and communication. For some of you, it will bring a person back from your past and for others it is bringing long buried and hidden wisdom to the forefront of your mind. You may have a nostalgic period of fond memories triggered in you, which then triggers new creative projects or inventive thinking. In a way, the past is going to help you in your current processes and give you the key you are looking for. Your unconscious mind is a vast storehouse and this week you are encouraged to go exploring. This trip can be kick started by a trip down memory lane.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ I hope you were looking for change Pisces, because that is what you will be receiving. Lots of it. Like it or not. I propose you embrace the turn of events because it will come upon you like a tidal wave. As they Borg say in Star Trek “Resistance is futile.” Thankfully your changes will be nothing alien, frightening or domineering. You will see waves of fulfilment, oceans of joy and perhaps even a chest full of treasures! The Wheel of Life is turning in your favour with change, travel and positive forward motion in store for you.

Contact Goddess of Tarot for a Full Indepth Tarot Reading

Tuesday, May 4, 2010



Aries (Mar 21-April 19)

Prepare yourself Aries for some exciting information coming your way. Positive messages regarding your work and or school should find their way to you this week. That new business deal, promotion or even passing that exam is all possibilities this week. The energies are so strong they won’t even let Mercury in Retrograde stand in the way. It’s an exciting week for you which may force you to make some quick decisions about the next step on your path. Don’t fear it. You’ve known all along the direction you want to go, now that it’s being presented….don’t hesitate. Younger people may also play a part in your week in regards to positive energies too. If you’ve been putting off taking that young person on the outing they’ve been bugging you about, do it this week. It will be a great time had by all and create those cherished memories.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Do you feel that you have to sacrifice your own wants and happiness for important people in your life? If so, it’s time to stop disregarding your own needs Taurus. You’re not helping anyone at all by putting what it is you want off. It’s time to try to find balance in what you give to others as opposed to what you give to yourself. You don’t have to stop giving to others by any means…but you do have to make sure that sometimes you put yourself first. Treating yourself will invigorate and energize you, even if it’s in just a small manner. Taking care of your needs will give you more energy to help others too. So take some alone time for that book, get out and get that mani/pedi… even just take an hour to take a walk in the park if that’s all it is you are denying yourself. Don’t worry about “letting others down”…those important people that love you will certainly be happy to see that you’re putting yourself first once in a while.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Here’s a special shout out to all you female Gems out there; be careful of the green eye of envy this week! The energies this week could indicate some trouble with you and jealousy. Although normally not someone that is jealous let alone one that shows it…you may find yourself feeling out of character when it comes to this arena. For the men, well you may find yourself having to deal with the jealousy of an important female in your life. When jealousy is part of the picture, just remember it’s just an emotion that comes from fear. So peel back the layers and look into figuring out what it is within that you’re lacking and fearing. Don’t allow that ego to get the best of you this week Gemini’s. If you find yourself having to deal with someone that is acting out in this manner, take a step back for a few days until the energy changes. It will leave just as quickly as it appears so no worries.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

This week dear Cancers puts you in the element you feel at most comfortable with.. Being the nurturer and healer that you are. You may be called upon this week to help those around you. Children in particular may need some of your extra caring attention. Having a peaceful and calm home life these few days are also what you strive for this week. So surround yourself with the stuff that brings you the most serenity. Whether it’s cooking that comfort food for your loved ones, or decorating with some beautiful warm colors or spring flowers, this is what brings you your balance this week. Enjoy the comforting energies surrounding you. As the summer months get closer, you may not have as much of an opportunity to enjoy the solitude and comfort of your home and spending good quality time with your loved ones.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Do you take responsibility Leo for poor choices you make or have made in the past? Well, this week you may be forced to. There is an energy of disappointment surrounding past decisions around you, so be prepared. Have you been putting your best effort into work? Did you perhaps spend too much on credit the past couple of months? This is just a small example of what I’m talking about. You may find yourself in the middle of some uncomfortable situations, especially regarding money and finances due to past choices. There is really nothing you can do about it now, but ride the storm out. The most important thing you have to do is learn from it. So the next time you take that credit card out to make that purchase you don’t really need but know may have trouble paying for, remember how it feels to be faced with the consequences of any choice you make.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22)

Virgo, this week is going to be low key for you. Which based on the ringer you’ve been put through the past couple of months will be a welcome change for you. It would be best to use these slow down energies around you to just reflect back over what areas of your life that still need addressing. There may even be an overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction around you right now. It’s going to be very important for you to not reflect these feelings onto others though. Don’t project your dissatisfaction with things on the people you love, as it will only result in them alienating themselves from you. If you feel a bit down on yourself this week, then find something that brings you serenity and peace. Soon enough the energies will pass and you’ll find yourself in a whirlwind of work, chores and responsibilities again. But for now, just chill!

Libra (Sept 23-Oct 23)

Choices, choices, choices! Feeling overwhelmed yet? You’re going to be faced with week with having to finally decide on what you’ve been putting off. All of that weighing out the different paths is now come down to the wire. Remember, there is never a wrong choice. Because each choice, each action you make today, contributes to your growth. Sometimes those choices result in painful experiences yes, but let’s be honest, pain is a wonderful teacher. If one of your many choices you’re trying to decide on is entering into a romantic commitment, the energy suggests against it. Now is not the time to throw yourself into a committed relationship. Especially during this Mercury Retrograde as anything normally begun under this influence quickly turns to dust once it ends. You can make the decision now, but keep it to yourself until after the 11th of this month. At which time the energies will be more productive to starting something so important.

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 21)

What is it you’re still clinging to Scorp? An old relationship? Resentment? Those old jeans from high school? Whatever it is, the energies around you now are perfect for finally letting go. Take advantage of this wonderful healing time to finally put the past in the past and start moving forward. Especially if this has to do with forgiveness. Holding onto anger or resentment will only hold you back from your own happiness. The people that no longer serve your higher self and happiness need to be set free now. So do yourself the favor of finally finding the forgiveness in your heart Scorpio. Set yourself free, because this is the perfect time to do this. But, more importantly, YOU DESERVE IT.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Sag, you may find yourself in the midst of having to deal with some very irritating people this week. You being a Sag, never like to be around negative energies or people that bring you down. However, every way you turn this week you may be find yourself faced to deal with one or two of these downers. Try your best to not be judgmental or too opinionated with them. You don’t walk in their shoes and have no idea of what their story is or what they are dealing with. This doesn’t mean you have to sit there and listen to them cry in their beer and let them bring you down though. If you just can’t deal with the less then positive people right now, maybe it’s a perfect time for you to take a short road trip by yourself. A visit to the beach or woods to hike may be the perfect little break you need until the energies clear out and you’re no longer faced with dealing with them.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Woo hoo Cappy!...ok, did I just say “Woo hoo?”. Actually I did as that is the best way I can describe the cycle this week for you. A turn of events for the positive are around you this week. So expect good things coming your way. Even surprising circumstances that perhaps you haven’t even thought about are coming down the pike. That raise you’ve been wanting, that hot romantic interest surprises you with a call, even hitting some type of lottery are all examples of what may occur for you this week. There are forces around you that are making things happen with little or no effort on your end too which makes it all even more exciting for you. This is especially true if you’re one that believes in the old saying “What goes around comes around”. So if you’ve been one that reaches out and helps or gives to others…sit back and enjoy because it’s your turn to receive!

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

All systems go Aquarius! This week is going to be all about reaping the rewards of a job well done. Have you spent all that time and energy on trying to get your foot in the door with that new client? Have you trained hard for that Marathon? Whatever the case may be, if you’ve put the effort into it the past couple of months, now is the time to finally see it all come together in a positive way! You should be proud of all of your hard work and dedication Aqua. So pat yourself on the back and enjoy the positive and victorious energies that the Universe is offering. Soon enough, you’ll be ready to tackle that next task and climb that mountain to success!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

You may feel like nothing is going your way this week Pisces. There are obstacles that still have to be faced and overcome before you can move forward onto the next phase. Try not to let this get you down or depressed. Instead, turn your attention to what it is that may be holding you or blocking you. Is it old ways of thinking, clinging to out molded beliefs..perhaps it’s people that have long past their expiration date. Whatever it is, it IS something you have control over. But you’re going to have to be honest with yourself and probably face some uncomfortable decisions that you’ve been avoiding. Change isn’t ever really easy. But it’s also not impossible. Be open to making the changes that need to be made this week Pisces. Your hands can’t be open to receiving new, if they are still full of the garbage that no longer is of use to you.

Contact Kathy at to get your full IN-DEPTH Tarot Reading.

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