Monday, April 26, 2010

~Weekly Tarot Scopes for the week of 4/26/10~

Tarot Scopes ~ April 26, 2010

Tarot Scopes ~ by Goddess of Tarot

April 26, 2010

Aries ~ I hope you are all pampering yourselves with copious servings of self Love Aries. As you move from the conflict of last week, you may have some regrets and remorse hot on your heals. Disruptions abound around you and you may feel like you are emotionally picking up the pieces, salvaging what you can. It’s true you have to leave certain people, situations and mindsets behind you but it’s also true that what you bring with you is the cream of the crop, the icing on the cake, the cherry on top. Keep this in mind if you have any doubts of letting go this week. Does it make it to the very top of your awesome list? If not, let it go.

Taurus ~ It’s smooth sailing for you this week , Taurus, so do enjoy! If you have been working hard of late make sure to schedule in some “off duty” time for yourself. You will really feel as if your problems and struggles are melting away as you move into a more relaxed state of mind. If you can literally get out in the world to travel the timing is great! Short ferry trips if you live near water or any kind of quick getaway is calling to you! You will enjoy some great insights if you do not allow your mind to jump too far in the past or the future. It’s a rare and compassionate feeling surrounding you this week so live fully in the now, feel the breeze against your face and smile. Life is truly great!

Gemini ~ Sometimes it can be a curse to have such a following of lovers, friends and admirers. Sometimes you just want to be alone with your beautiful self! This week you may feel the constriction of your earthly “family”. You may be under the watchful eyes of your supporters as they inquire about your every move and decisions. You may have out of town guests and need to give up some of your space for them. Another aspect of this energy is that a loved one may ask you for a loan of either money or something else of value that you own. Use your best judgment in this regard! If at any point you start to feel annoyed with all the attention, try to keep smiling and head for your inner sanctuary.

Cancer ~ The message I receive for Cancerians this week is one of nurturing, motherly love and surrounding yourself with natural beauty. It’s a softer, feminine energy calling for you to find this aspect within yourself. Spend extra time in nature, visit your mother or grandmother or care for a child and give their parents a well deserved rest. Think of those around you who are in need of extra loving kindness and shower them with this, especially if that person is you! Anywhere in your life where you can lend a hand to someone who has less than you or is in need, do so. The positive emotions and energy you create from giving to others this week will return to you in great abundance!

Leo ~ Last week saw you coming into your own creative energy where this week sees you tackling the emotional realm. You may feel a tender pull on your heartstrings this week for no apparent reason. Increased sensitivity and an increased intuition are there for you to utilize. If you feel overwhelmed or out of your depths at times, breathe! Try some conscious meditations where you “dive” into the waters of your hidden depths, and see where you go and what images spring up. Allow yourself the freedom to explore the unknown within you. Remember to call up a trusted friend for a deep dialogue about the mysteries of existence. It’s a very dream like sort of week for you.

Virgo ~ It’s about money this week Virgo, plain and simple. Let’s hope you are on the receiving end, as overspending this week will get you into trouble later on. You may have a kindred person in your life who is offering to help you in the area you need most, to enable you to earn money or you may even receive a loan or financial gift. With Saturn in your sign, it’s more likely that you have more lessons to learn on the material plane so it would be a great time to set up a budget, analyze your income versus your expenses. You also may need to re-evaluate your perception of money and start thinking with an “abundance” mentality to draw more money making opportunities your way. If you were seeking a benefactor or the aid of a higher up, it’s coming through this week!

Libra ~ This week you may feel overburdened with your obligations towards others. You also may feel slightly constricted in your ability to come and go as you wish. You also may be struggling to make ends meet and require outside help. Luckily, it’s there for you! It is said that as one door closes another is opened and that is exactly what is happening for you. There also may be a very boring aspect to your life this week, where you have to wait in long line ups to acquire documents or forms you need. The effort you put in this week will ultimately lead you to have solid structures around you that will lead to more material security, so hang in there.

Scorpio ~ Hopefully you are a well adjusted Scorpion and have found balance in your dark and light natures as you may fall prey to your inner tyrant this week! Watch your sense of self and any ego driven activities carefully, it is here that you will see a new side to your nature you may not have noticed before. You may need to warn your lover, friends and family that you will be wrestling with your inner control freak. You may be filled with an incredible desire for power and control that takes you by surprise. Watch you don’t hurt anyone in the process of your inner struggle with these demons and you will come out with a clearer sense of your true power.

Sagittarius ~ In one area of your life Sag, it’s back to the drawing board. It’s time to realize you are in a place of immaturity and this lack of knowledge can leave you feeling very uneasy and unsure, as you are normally very well adept in the rest of your life concerns. You may be starting a new project, job or course of study where you see the potential for greatness down the road, but the road is very long and you are only at the starting point. It can be easy at this stage to feel overwhelmed or out of your depth, but this is normal, don’t let yourself be discouraged. Do though pay close attention as a wrong move at this important early stage could lead you into disaster. If you feel a sense of foreboding, seek out an experienced person and get their advice immediately before you act. The unknown can feel scary but it can also feel exhilarating!

Capricorn ~ I realize that Capricorns are known for working really hard in life, and this week it’s more of the same. Boring. Yawn. Okay, but it’s not going to be the typical work week for you. Your efforts are going to bring some very special rewards for you and if you are working in a team, all the more! If there are contractual deals to be written, proposals, interviews, or co-creating on the cards it is all very well starred. Remember to read the fine print and then feel free to sign on the dotted line! Loose ends can be tied up this week allowing for some well deserved time off next week. The rewards will be coming back to you three fold in the future so don’t be afraid to get in there and work your magic!

Aquarius ~ Your creative genius of last week is leading you to ultimate happiness, success and pleasure this week. Your innovative ideas have been warmly accepted and it’s time to put in the effort to see them manifest in reality. Your creativity is at an all time high and it appears you are completely tuned in to the song of your muse. Grace and delight are all around you. Sparks are flying and your sense of enthusiasm and well being are at the forefront of your creative flow. Use this especially magical time to produce your greatest works and see your ideas bear fruit in the realest sense of the word.

Pisces ~ Love and money are at the forefront of your world this week Pisces, with the focus being on how you view both of these areas in your life. It is a good time to remind yourself that true love is unconditional and that money is simply another form of energy. You could be on the receiving end of a pay bonus at the end of a job term, or you will be reaping the rewards of a lot of overtime as of late. You may be showered with gifts and extra affection from your friends and loved ones or you may be the one with an overflow to share! Either way, expect to learn important lessons this week but don’t worry, they will be easy and fun to learn!

For a Full Indepth Reading with Goddess of Tarot:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010



Aries (Mar 21-April 19)
You may have felt like escaping from most of your relationships the past couple of weeks Aries. This would include all of your relationships, personal and business alike. The energy as of late may have you feeling like the walls have been closing in. While it may have been difficult, rest assured things should be lightening up around you in the relationship department. The focus now begins to tighten in on finances. Don’t be too surprised if this area of life presently feels stalled or stagnant. Concerns of your core foundations may truly “feel” shaken this week. It’s important for you to not allow your worries to take control and run away with your center. While it’s important of course, to make sure you’re not overspending its also important to not cling to the concept of money too tightly. Take a look this week at your relationship with money. Do you allow it to flow to and fro freely? Or, do you cling out of desperation? Remember, money is energy and must be allowed to flow evenly. Keep balanced this week Aries, your inflated worry about money and finances will soon pass.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
This week for you Taurus may have your head unfocused. You may have so many grand ideas scattered around that it’s hard to put much of anything into action which can lead to mind exhaustion and the inability to put anything into play. Don’t worry if you feel like being a bit of a loner either. The mind chatter you have going on this week can really take the wind out of your sails. Right now it’s important for you to kick back and allow your thoughts to flow in and out. Don’t attach yourself to any one idea just yet. There is more coming in the weeks ahead that will bring all of your grand ideas down to the ground and clear the path. So take this time to just rest, maybe even start making some lists. But wait until this fog clears before you actually decide to put anything at all into action.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Oh dear Gemini, it’s finally time to put the past couple of hard months behind you. While you still have some lingering energy from the tough couple of months, rest assured it’s starting to clear. Don’t be surprised if you feel like 100lbs are starting to lift off of your shoulders. That ray of light is finally ahead in the clearing and if you look close enough, you can see it flicker like a beacon. You may be feeling so run down mentally and emotionally that you don’t see it yet, but that’s ok. It’s there and before you know it you’ll be basking in the beauty and warmth of its light. Don’t be surprised either if you get a call from someone from your past that may indeed have some very good news to share with you either. Just keep your eyes forward and put the past where it belongs, behind you.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Time to get out there Cancer!! No more hermit mode for you. Normally as a Cancer, home is your safe haven, your comfort zone. But this week brings with it some anticipation of getting out and meeting new people. Networking would prove great for you in terms of business as well. There are doors that are ready to open for you, but you have to be willing to get out and walk up to them. Don’t hesitate Cancer, now is truly a week for you to shine. Romance may prove to be a bit trying for you however. If you’ve been on the brink of ending a relationship, this week you may find you finally have the courage to walk away. If you’re single, don’t count on any long lasting commitments. Release any attachment you have to an outcome, romantically speaking. This energy is more of time to be carefree and light. Anything heavier than that, will surely just weight you down, this week.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)
You may need to take some time to reevaluate what it is you’ve been fighting for Leo. Is it really worth it? Is your desire to win, ego based or does it come from a place of positivity? You may really need to do some soul searching this week to truly be honest with yourself while answering that question. If you have felt like you’ve hit obstacle after obstacle the past couple of months, then maybe it’s time to ask yourself if that is a sign. There may be some strong opposition coupled with confrontation coming too for you in the next few days. So pick your battles wisely. Perhaps it’s just time to put down your gun and walk away. . You have a lot of energy this week Leo, so use it wisely. You could use this energy to finally break away and have some light hearted fun and laughter. Or, you could allow yourself to continue this fight that may, in the end not be worth winning anyway.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22)
There may be some unknown forces pulling at you this week Virgo. You may not know what it is or even feel comfortable with it, but be assured it’s a force that is trying to get your attention. It’s not something that you have too much control over either, so try your best not to get frustrated with it. It’s time to really start looking at areas in your past that have been left unattended or unhealed. It’s time to start digging deep and looking under all of those stones. This week proves a good week to really wade through issues from your past and finally let go of them. New romance definitely has the possibility of showing up this week. However, you’d be better off at the present time to not focus too much on “new”. Turn your focus to acceptance and forgiveness of the past instead. The energies of this week may seem “hard” but anything hard is worth working through as in the end the awards are always greater. Do this now Virgo the healing that is right here for you is what you’ve needed for a long time now.

Libra (Sept 23-Oct 23)
Hey Libra, time to get off your rocker and get grooving and a shakin. You’ve been lying quiet now for too long. This goes for both your personal and professional life. The past couple of weeks may have had you feeling a bit quiet and withdrawn. It’s time now to stand up and be noticed as you’ve never been the introverted type anyway. If you’ve been in the market for new romance, this is a great week to get out and mingle. If you’re in a relationship and have felt a bit on outs, don’t worry that cycle is ending. It’s time to put your party hat on and go have some fun already. You’ve had a lot of time to go over “stuff” in your head lately. Now, it’s time to just stop thinking so much and spread your wings. Just be careful however not to leave your loved ones behind. They would be more than happy to share in your newfound energy and join you on the dance floor.

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 21)
Time to stand firm Scorp and put your own personal boundaries in place. This week you may just say “enough is enough!” It’s time for you to start taking time for you and stop trying to please everyone around you. You need to find the balance between the two, or you’re going to run yourself down. Money may also be on the forefront of your mind this week. It’s going to be important for you to really decide what is important Scorp. Working 12 hours a day for the paycheck, or spending the time for you or, perhaps with family and friends. Pay checks come and go, your wellbeing is much more important right now. Don’t worry if your boss doesn’t particularly like that you’re leaving work at a decent hour…they’ll get over it. It’s time to finally take some time for yourself…It’s spring for crying out loud stop and smell all of the beautiful new flowers blossoming!`

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
I’m not going to lie when I say you’ve had a rough time recently. Seems like every way you turn things go wrong without any rhyme or reason. Settle down, it’s not going to be like that forever. In fact, this week may give you a sneak peak of what the remainder of this year is has coming down the pike for you. Relief and favorable changes. Although, being a Sag, you want it RIGHT NOW, it’s not going to happen like that. So you’re just going to have to do your best and learn to practice a bit of patience. This week you’re going to see many of the past weeks struggles let up. You may even be surprised with some new friends or even romantic relationships that enter. So while it’s a slow steady pace before you get to relaxed and calm, enjoy this small window of the serenity the Universe is offering. The commotion may once again pick up in the next couple of weeks but this small break of all the hassels will truly feel like a short visit to the spa for you.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)
The energy of worry with money is soon to be lifted for you Cap. A renewed faith in your foundation, home and self is upon you. Enjoy this lifting of the burdens, if you can. After all you are a Capricorn and love the drama of the drama. This is a positive period for you so why not allow yourself to soak it in? Take some time to NOT worry so much about the projects, laundry or the yard. You can really have a sense of calm (while still being in control) if you only allow it. Money issues of the past should start feeling like it’s lifting too. While you may not feel or see it immediately, you can plan for it. The hard work and long hours you’ve put forth are now going to start paying off. Just make certain that all involved in the hard work have their time to bask in the plenty of the pay off too.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)
Blast from the past could be your theme this week. It’s no wonder, Mercury is in Retrograde. If all of those people you thought were gone suddenly start showing up again, don’t be surprised. But also, don’t hold onto any projection of why or what if’s either. The people crawling out of the woodwork this week will most certainly crawl back to whence they came soon enough. Remember to keep your personal boundaries in place. It’s alright to help when needed, but not to the point where you may be taken advantage of. You may even have a face off with one or more people this week as well. So while everyone knows an Aquarius can cut with their tongue, perhaps you may want to think before you speak. You can get your point across Aqua without being demoralizing to others. A good phrase for you this week is THINK FIRST. Don’t be rash with your decisions or communication if at all possible.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
Indecision got you down? While of course it does. That’s what happens when you have too many choices and too many paths in front of you. You’re going to have to really do some soul searching this week Pisces. The choices you have in front of you aren’t easy by any means. But, they are all there for you to learn how to listen to your inner voice. Don’t let emotion take over either. This is an energy of watching for the signs and listening to that small voice. You know, the small inner urging that we sometimes tend to dismiss. This would also be a good week to re look at how you spend money. Has the coin been burning a hole in your pocket lately? If so, it’s time to buckle down and get back on track of your budget. If you don’t, further down the line you could really find yourself in some uncomfortable and worrisome binds where money is concerned.

Contact Kathy at to get your full IN-DEPTH Tarot Reading.