Monday, June 7, 2010


Tarot Scopes ~ by Goddess of Tarot

June 7, 2010

(Mar 20-April 19) ~ Some deeply magical and karmic lessons are coming for you, Aries, that will require you to tap into the deepest part of your being. You must have felt the planetary shifts shaking up your life recently bringing chaos, expansion and luck to you. Now, it is as if you can see the bounty available to you that you were either unaware of or unentitled to previously. Whether or not these gifts will be granted to you will depend solely on your character. For some, you must win the approval of a deeply intuitive female. For others, this is a hidden part of yourself that you must bring forward in order to advance. You are about to be tested as to the purity of your intentions and the sincerity of your heart. Will you be true?

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ The Moon moves through your sign briefly around midweek, encouraging you to find time to dream and to indulge in your favourite pampering routines. Be sure to take advantage of these mysterious moon vibrations. You are being called to look deeply into the parts of yourself that you have been ignoring as of late. With all the other demands on your time, your focus has been outward. This week, try to bring that same focus inward. It is a good week for meditation, automatic writing, learning the tarot or reading about Goddesses. It is a strong feminine influence encompassing all that is secret, mysterious, dark, and invisible. You will end the week with absolutely nothing tangible to show for all your efforts, but the inner wisdom you reach will last a lifetime. Trust your inner voice and seek your inner psychic.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ Your ruling planet Mercury moves into your sign this week. If you thought you had the gift of gab before, look out! People will be reaching out that you have long forgotten, missing letters and other interesting contacts will be popping up everywhere. Strangers will be chatting you up all over the place and you will be more than happy to oblige them all. You will flitter here and there with juicy stories, gossip and hopefully a few wonderfully new inventive ideas. Just be careful. Don’t wear yourself out. Don’t spend so much of your time with others that you miss out on a wonderful opportunity. You know what I am referring to. That long talk you need to have with yourself! Yes, your inner voice has a lot to tell you so don’t tune it out with endless chatter. Find time for you amidst the hectic pace or you will lose out on the best conversation you’ll have all week.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ You’ve been lost in love and dreaminess, learning lessons of the heart. You have filled your cup and shared it, growing and expanding your emotional roots. I’m so happy you have had this time because this week sees you shift focus completely. Yes, there is work to be done, contracts to discuss, plans and revisions to make. It’s a busy week for you in the “real world” sense. Some of you will be making plans to move, others will starting a new job or new creative project. If you are looking for any funding or backing in your pursuits, this is the time to schedule meetings, make appointments and get out there talking to people. It’s a mover and a shaker week, Cancer. Let’s see you work your magic and charm with all those whom you meet who can help you. Get to work and the rewards will come threefold back to you in the future. Slack off and the same will result. What are you going to choose?

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ I hope you survived the drastic upheaval and changes of last week, that you didn’t try to effect change, and instead simply bore witness to the events. This week is the time to assess the damages. You will be taking stock of what you still have around and in your life. Sure, a few things you felt quite attached too have slipped away in the chaos but you must come to realize that what you were left with is really all you need to succeed. The Universe will never leave us hanging. This shake up was meant to loosen all that you no longer need and get you to focus on what will feed your life for the next 7 years. Yes, it’s long term planning time. I suggest making lists. I suggest you start with the Pro’s side and go from there.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ Mars moves into Virgo giving you the drive and determination to finish what you start. Pick your battles. You won’t want to be sticking it out until the bitter end unless it’s truly worth your precious time and energy. If it is a new financial situation that you are trying to secure, you have great luck on your side. If it is a new cause or course of study that you have taken up, be sure it is something you believe in wholeheartedly. You may feel like you are cutting through endless red tape or you may feel that the ground you stand on is going to shift at any given moment, causing you an embarrassing stumble. Do not fear. I have faith in you. Others have faith in you also. If you feel over your head at any point, call up someone who has been there before. You may also be driven to cut out people and situations that no longer serve your growth. Do it and don’t look back. Your life is changing so quickly you cannot afford to bring along dead weight. Let it go and then bravely charge ahead. PS. Mars in your sign also amps up your sex drive!

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ I have good news this week Libra! You are being granted a gift, a golden opportunity, a chance to change your life for the better and never look back. This could start with the arrival of great news about a new family member, a visitor, a lucky break or the entrance of a kindred spirit in your life. But honestly, I think that this burst of fresh joy will manifest internally. I feel that you will turn to yourself first and create this state of unconditional love and trust in yourself, in your life path and in what you hold dear. I feel that once you make this renewed commitment to live through your Heart, that the Universe will honour that decision by showering you with instant loving kindness and rewards of intimacy, belonging and trust like you have never believed possible before. Reach for the Divine within and you will be blessed by the Divine without.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ Relationships are still the dominant theme for you this week. I know that you have been trying your best under trying times. Things are smoothing out around you and under the current cosmic climate most of us are still scrambling with one crisis or another in our lives. For you, let everything slide that can afford to lose your immediate attention. You need to nurture the people who have loved and supported you the longest. Let’s face it, as wonderful as you are, you can be a challenge to stay connected with and to truly know. Let down your guard and allow the ones who take you at your worst to share with you in your best. If you feel yourself getting nostalgic, reach out to people you’ve lost touch with from your past. Cultivate the bonds that matter, share stories of the past and make plans for the future. This is the time to connect with others and strengthen the ties that bind. Grow the unconditional kind of love that will feed you in the future.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ Please say you took some time to organize yourself last week because I know you are diving back into full on work mode once again. This time though, you don’t have a choice. People want your attention, contracts need revisiting, new clients and business associates want your time also. With some folk, it seems that your best efforts are going unappreciated. It seems that the harder you work, the less appreciation you receive in return. I say it “seems” because it is partly your own viewpoint that creates this feeling. Again, I need to ask you some important questions. Are you working because you love it and it feeds you or are you working because you don’t know else to do?

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ I am so happy to see your energy is getting lighter this week. It looks like you will have free time to spend how you like it. I know that normally involves work of some sort. You don’t fool me easily. I know if you are not working at work you are working on your off time. You normally have project upon project on the go. Do yourself a gigantic favour and spend your extra time doing absolutely nothing constructive at all. You are still riding that “contemplating your navel” energy but this time your attention is more directed at your environment. Go for long walks and ask yourself interesting questions like: How does your environment effect who you are and how you feel or think? If you could live in any climate, what would you choose? Do you believe that if you made your inner and outer worlds match, that the Universe would provide for you?

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ This is deep, Aquarius. Prepare yourself for some Higher Truths to reveal themselves to you. Prepare for an experience that stops you in your tracks and makes you feel honestly and truly humble. I hope you are on the lucky side of Karma because this is not going to be left to any chance. What is before you will follow strict moral ethics and unwavering, by the letter decision making. Some of you will be in a legal situation where a decision is made that is apparently irrevocable. Others will be advancing into more complicated modes of study with greater responsibilities lying before you. In any case, a commitment is required of you that will not be easily broken. Take it on with faith and it could be the key to you discovering a greater awareness.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ Look out Pisces! You have been smooth sailing for weeks now but suddenly you hit a snag. Actually, your boat is struck by lightning just as you enter shark infested waters! It’s out of the frying pan and into the fire you go! Okay, maybe I’m reading too many adventure stories. You are not in that much danger but you are in for a Great Big Shock. You are going to be caught off your guard. Your life is going to feel unpredictable and unmanageable at times. You may even decide to sit down and have a good cry. Let it out. Stomp and yell and say it’s not fair. Feel better? Okay, great. Now let’s take a look at what went wrong and why. Well, that is for you to determine, but wait until the dust settles completely and then start asking yourself the really important questions. Like, what role did you play in the disaster and what role will you play in repairing the damage?
Contact Goddess of Tarot for a full indepth reading at

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