Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Tarot Scopes ~ by Kathy Laston-Keel

Week of June 21, 2010

Aries (Mar 20-April 19)
This week Aries the Sun in Cancer may force you to rethink some choices from your most recent past. Perhaps the changes or action you’ve put into motion aren’t working out the way you originally envisioned them to. It’s not too late to re-evaluate your original course and perhaps make some changes or tweets that will make the transition easier for you. While I don’t feel you need to abandon ship all together it would be wise to think things out about your plans a little further down the line and how your actions today will create the reactions into the future. You always have brilliant ideas Aries, just this time you need to put a bit more focus on the mundane aspects of the situation which will allow getting from point A to point B a bit less stressful for you.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
Taurus, this week brings in a rather childlike energy. Fun and carefree thoughts will seem to surround you throughout the days ahead. Taking a trip down memory lane and remembering how it feels to not have a care in the world would do you so much good right now. Don’t be discouraged however if the people around you don’t want to take the trip with you. Don’t allow them to rain on your parade if at all possible. Take some time to really nurture the child within. It will leave you feeling more renewed and energized then you have felt in months. Perhaps doing something to get your creative juices flowing will also spark some new and invigorating ideas for you. Whatever the case may be, try to look at things this week through the eyes of a child, and watch how magical your week unfolds.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Gems this week you may be presented with the opportunity to catch that huge wave and ride it all the way. Tons of exciting energy is at your disposal this week if you so choose to act on it. Don’t just sit on your hands and do nothing. Accept that invite, go to that party, and attend that community activity. There are exciting and beneficial people that are just waiting to cross paths with you. Whether it is romance or business in nature it promises to open up unexpected and exciting doors. And for the ladies out there...don’t be surprised if this week doesn’t find you the center of attention with more than one exciting male suitors.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Cancers you may find yourself faced with having to buckle down a bit harder this week. There is energy of focused diligence that will surround you. You’re going to have to be practical when it comes to work and money even if you do not want to put that much effort into play. Don’t worry your hard work and focused determination will pay off in the end. Take care of all of those mundane details that you’ve been putting off. Get that in-box cleared, finish that spring cleaning, and finally balance that check book. Once you clear your head and space of the loose ends you’ll be able to kick up your feet, relax and enjoy yourself in the weeks to follow.
Leo (July 22-Aug 22)
The Sun in Cancer this week Leo will trigger some deep internal searching for you. This week isn’t ideal for you to surround yourself with a lot of commotion. Too much excitable energy will leave you feeling anxious and scattered. This would be the perfect week for you to just kick back with a good book, meditation or yoga. Take some time out to nurture yourself Leo, it will do you worlds of good. You still have plenty of summer left to get out there and be your normal charismatic self, so no worries. Just remember that sometimes we all need a bit of down time, and this week proves to be ideal for you in that aspect.
Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22)
Virgo you may have found yourself not actually being yourself lately. You’re normally the routine rigid one of the bunch however you may not even recognize you or your behaviour in the past few months. There are new aspects of your personality coming out which will show you how to be a more well rounded and balanced individual. We all know the old saying of “All work and no play...”. Well you’re finally enjoying a taste of the “play” part of that saying. The only area of caution that I may want to stress is your area of finances. Don’t get too carried away with your spending right now. Throwing too much caution to the wind when it comes to spending more then you should will end up biting you in the bum down the road. So while it’s ok to enjoy this “new you” emerging, remember to keep that realistic part of you in balance as well.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23)
What a great week for the Libra’s out there. Take advantage of all of the awesome things that are surrounding you at present. Don’t be surprised if you even find that some of those “wishes” you have been putting out into the Universe are finally beginning to come to pass. If you’ve been thinking about starting a new exercise program or improving your appearance, there is no better time than now. It’s highly likely that anything new you begin to improve your appearance or health will stick too with these energies. In addition take some time out at night to sit under the stars. You’ll find some of your most creative inspiration right now with the help of the moon and stars. Take advantage of all that the Universe is presenting to you Libra!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22)
The Universe is sending you a lot of subtle messages and signs right now Scorpio, are you paying attention to them? You can’t deny that the synchronicities and series of events lately have been for nothing. You would be hard pressed to even try to blame them on coincidence. I myself don’t believe in coincidence which leads me to say, OPEN YOUR EYES Scorp, everything is happening for a reason! Pay attention not only to the outside validations you’re seeing but also to that nagging sensation that is going on in the pit of your stomach. Act on your intuition now as it’s very highly in tune with the things going on that your eyes aren’t seeing. Doing say will save you a lot of disappointment down the road.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
This week has your mind on your home and family life Sag. This is the perfect time to make those improvements and changes to your home life that you’ve been mulling over. There are also financial changes going on around you. This week may have you concerned about shared income. Don’t be surprised if you feel a bit of a crunch where other people’s contributions to your finances are concerned. Take it all in stride the best you can right now. The changes that are stirring around you may feel a bit uncomfortable now, yes, but you’ll see that everything is happening exactly the way it’s supposed to for the betterment of your own growth.

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)
Capricorn why all of the worry? You and I both know that worrying about things you have no control over is useless. I am a firm believer in the theory that fears grow legs. This is exactly what you are in line for if you don’t start watching where your negative thoughts flow. Take control of the things you can control (yourself) and let go of the things you can’t (others). Your emotions may be getting the best of you right now so maybe take some time to learn to meditate or read some inspiration books to get your emotions back on track. This too shall pass Capricorn, but how bent out of shape emotionally will you get before it does? Only you can decide that.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18)
So, Aquarius, have you been slacking in certain areas of life that you know you shouldn’t be slacking? If you have, now is the time to grab the bull by the horns and stop procrastinating. Things aren’t going to get done on their own as you are well aware. Perhaps you’ve been a bit scattered or unorganized? This week would be the perfect week to sit down, make those lists and start checking things off. Often if you feel there is just too much surrounding you then you don’t know where to start. However, with a little bit of determination and discipline you can get down to the nitty griddy of the things that you have been putting off. We both know that once you finally do get started, there is no stopping you.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
Pisces this week you may find yourself feeling like you’re in it alone. If this is the case then perhaps you may want to sit down and take a good look at where these feelings are coming from. Are you perhaps the one that is being stubborn and perhaps even controlling that you are refusing the help that is really right there before you? Often times Pisces you’re so strong willed that you want to do it all on your own. But this week as a result of that personality trait you may find it hard to truly show others that you do in fact want and need their support. There is a time and place to show your strength Pisces and everyone around you does know how truly strong you are. However, this week, it’s ok to show that you can’t always do everything on your own. So suck it up and reach out. The people that love you will be more than happy to be there for you!

If you’d like to experience a full in-depth reading by Kathy feel free to email her at

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