Friday, December 17, 2010

~Journey of Healing~

Journey of Healing
By Kathy Keel

When I speak of healing I speak from my own experience. My personal search for healing has been an epic journey of hit and miss. I have experimented with dozens of different techniques. I have worked with more healers and spiritualist that I wish to mention. Some have helped, some have not, and some have contributed just pieces of the puzzle. I’ve spent much time, energy, tears and money on my long search for the elusive sense of feeling at peace with-in.

What I have found in my process is that there was never just one thing that did the trick. It was the actual collection of the successes and failures. Sure, there were some things that helped more than others. Obviously those are the techniques I chose to learn and practice. However, even those modalities were not a magic pill that just made it all better in and by themselves.

I dreamt and prayed of the day I’d finally reach my destination. Ironically, it was exactly my never ending search that kept failing me. I was looking for this type of “ending”. The end of emotional and mental baggage with no worries, no anxiety, no fears. I desperately anticipated the day I would wake up and be this total enlightened being.

Eventually I came to the realization that there could be no end. How could there be when life itself is an ever changing progression? Everything that I was, am and ever will be are all very important contributions to the growth of my soul. Every single situation, relationship and person that has ever been in my life, has contributed to who I am today, and who I am becoming in the future. Very precise and intricate pieces to my puzzle.

Reaching this conclusion allowed me to finally stop looking and start living. Bringing with it the ability for me to “JUST BE ME”. To forgive myself, forgive others even to forgive God for those painful experiences I had once viewed with the “why me” attitude. When I understood and found appreciation for the tough times and situations as well as the good times is when I sincerely came to a sense of peace.

During your own pursuit of healing its very important for you to remember that everyone's healing process is not the same. My path to healing may not be your path to healing. There are different lessons that each soul must experience and go through. There are many "Spiritualist" that will try to convince you that their way is the ONLY way to peace and healing. You have to follow what resonates with YOU. I invite and urge you to learn, explore, experiment with yourself. Keep what works for YOU, and toss the rest out. This life and the lessons it contains is about your own journey of what works for you in the never ending progression of self discovery.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

~End of Year Special~

~End of Year Special~

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Monday, December 13, 2010


Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ This week Aries you may find that recent pressures of finances are being lifted. If you’ve been feeling held down by stress associated with money, you can sit back and enjoy a bit of relief this week. Look forward to your physical energy also improving as the week unfolds. This is a great week to get those last few details of the Holiday season taken care of. So get moving and wrap things up this week and take full advantage of the new vibrant energies that will be surrounding you.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) ~ There is a real sense of strength and healing surrounding you this week, Taurus. You may find that you are called upon to use your strength and healing to help others in need around you as well. No worries though Taurus because you have what it takes to get the job done. Don’t be surprised if family calls upon you and your diplomatic ways to help iron out a recent conflict. Just keep your cool and remember that no matter what, you get more flies with honey.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) ~ If you find yourself faced with someone that is lacking common sense this week Gem, it may do you well to have a sit down talk with them. You may be faced with frustration in trying to get through to them, but work past that if you can. You are called now to teach someone (probably younger) about responsibility and making the right choices. Perhaps you’ll get through to them more if you show them how to focus more on the bigger picture then on the instant gratification. Also, point out to them how their actions create reaction in not only their own lives but also those around them.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) ~ We are in the early stages Cancer of a Mercury Retrograde. This cycle is notorious for bringing the past back to us. Don’t be surprised if someone you thought was out of your life once and for all, now comes wondering back. This doesn’t always mean that you should rekindle what you once had. Often times this happens because there are some lingering lessons that still need addressed in regards to this past situation. Allow it all to unfold without you trying to force things. You may find that as quickly as this person appears, they will disappear once again, after the cycle ends.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22) ~ The biggest challenge this week Leo is to realize that you just can’t do it all yourself. There are times that you are going to have to swallow that lion pride and ask for help. It doesn’t make you a weak person. In fact, it shows just how truly strong you are in admitting that even you know when to say when and ask for assistance. The people around you are more than happy and willing to help you with all of the responsibilities that you are drowning in, Leo. So do yourself a favour and reach out!

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22) ~ Mercury Retrograde is upon us Virgo and you may find yourself smack in the middle of the miscommunication that MR is famous for. Try not to allow it to frustrate you too bad though. As with everything, this too shall pass.. The important thing for you to focus on is remembering that everything happens for a reason. So instead of allowing the delays to frustrate you and get you down, use the stalled energy to perhaps review the situation and to revamp how you deal with it.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23) ~ Matters are going to take a turn for the better this week Libra. The energies around you suggest that you have a refreshed and new outlook on something that has been weighing heavily on you. There has been a break through recently and it’s important for you to take advantage and keep moving forward now. The end of the discontent you’ve felt is coming if you keep yourself focused ahead. There is much to look forward to on your path, but you’re going to have to be willing to keep one foot in front of the other to reach it.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22) ~ Scorpio this week you may find yourself faced with some major changes. Whether these changes be welcomed or disruptive for you, it’s important to keep your eyes focused on the big picture of the situation. While it may be uncomfortable at first, you’ll soon see that it’s better in the long run. Do you best to stay grounded during this time. Trying to fight the changes will only bring you frustration and make the period much harder for you. So, for now, jump in and go with the flow the best you can. Meditation and/or prayer may bring you comfort during this cycle.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) ~ This week Sag may bring back some old feelings of past hurts that still need to be addressed within your psych. You are famous for burying those uncomfortable feelings. However the current Mercury Retrograde is here to show you that doing so isn’t the way to release yourself from the hurt. I’m not saying dwell in the pain or hurt. I’m saying it’s time for you to take an honest look at what happened in the past that has hurt you. Learn the lessons, find the forgiveness and release the hurt once and for all.

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19)~ The general energies this week Capricorn may make it feel as though things just aren’t moving fast enough for you. There may be some obstacles and unwelcomed delays to what it is you’ve been wanting to happen. Don’t try to force things too much. It’s important for you to take a good hard look at the obstacles being tossed in your path. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. So perhaps there is a piece of the puzzle that you’re missing. By reviewing and possibly revamping your plan you can find what it is you’ve missed in order to get things rolling again.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ Lucky for you that you are the innovative thinkers of the zodiac Aquarius. The energies this week suggest that you can put that aspect of your personality into play, in a big way. You’ll need an unconventional approach to effectively deal with certain key people in your life. You may find some resistance at first, but don’t give up. You are a leader and whether you know it or not, people look up to you and respect you. So work through any opposition you may experience and don’t give up. Your pioneering approach to life truly is contagious and can be beneficial to the not so eclectic thinkers around you.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) ~ You will find Pisces that you will be faced with making a decision you’ve been trying to put off. It’s as though you will find that if you don’t finally make the decision yourself, it will be made for you. It’s not always easy when that happens either. So it’s time to finally face the fear of what it is that has been holding you back and finally go for it. There is a window of opportunity to break the tension regarding a certain relationship as well. So stop holding yourself back just because of fear. Face it and plow through it. In the end, you’ll be so much happier you took the bull by the horns.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Tarot Scopes. If you’d like a full in-depth reading please email me at to set up an appointment.

Much Peace!
Kathy Keel

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010



To enter for a FREE Video Reading, please visit my webpage at and fill out the entry form.


Aries (Mar 20-April 19) ~ You may find Aries, that this week brings you lessons in learning how to maintain a healthy balance. It may feel like you are at your wits end struggling with trying to keep on top of everything being tossed in your path. The important thing for you this week is to do your best in taking everything in stride. If you feel like you’re being pulled apart at the seams, then do what you must to take a step back from those less important issues. Not everything needs to be done at once. Remember too, to take some time out for yourself. Maintaining a healthy balance in all areas is the key to keeping your head on straight.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
~ Taurus, this week you may find yourself with the opportunity to end a situation or relationship that has not been the most healthy for you. It’s time to really take an honest look at what or who in your life has been holding you back. It’s not always hard to face endings, so you need to remember for every ending there is always a new beginning that awaits. Dig deep within and ask yourself, what is it that you’ve been holding onto that no longer serves you. Doing so will no doubt present you with that Ah-Ha moment that will really help you in moving forward.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
~ This could prove to be an exciting week for you Gem’s in regards to work and financial gain. Don’t be surprised if that long awaited pay raise or promotion is presented to you this week. The hard work and careful planning you’ve been focused on is about to pay off. If you’ve been wrapped up in some type of property dealings, you could be faced with some decisions that will be financially beneficial for you as well. You can expect this week to bring some happy monetary news all around. Travel may also be on the forefront of your mind. So at all possible start arranging some early plans to take some time and get away, perhaps after the Holidays.

Cancer (June 21-July 22
) ~ Being the compassionate nurturer you are Cancer you may find it difficult at times to truly stand your ground with those that take your kindness for granted. This week it’s going to be very important for you to plant both feet firmly down and stand up tall for your rights and what it is you believe in. You need to stop allowing those that don’t appreciate you of taking advantage of you. Remember, kindness does NOT mean weakness. This week find and put in place some personal boundaries. You may just be surprised at how much inner strength you truly have.

Leo (July 22-Aug 22
) ~ The Holiday Season may have you feeling frazzled this week Leo. Burning the candle at both ends is only going to leave you with a nasty case of feeling burnt out. Organizing your time may help you feel more in control of what’s going on around you. Take the advise of the big guy in red this week...make a list, and check it twice. Put one foot in front of the other and you’ll see that taking on things one at a time is much more productive and less stressful than trying to tackle the whole load at once. Relax and BREATHE, everything that needs to get done, will get done.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sept 22)
~ You may find yourself at a crossroads this week Virgo. The fork that I’m speaking of is an internal choice to make long overdue changes with who you’ve become. This is going to be an ideal time to take control of the rebirthing energies that surround you. Are you are up to facing some hard truths Virgo? This isn’t always easy as you know. But with determination and an honest to goodness review of yourself and your life, you will see that shedding yourself of those outdated ways and beliefs that no longer serve you, really isn’t that difficult at all.

Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23)
~ You have some real opportunity this week Libra to show them all what you’re made of. I’m speaking of course of those higher ups and peers at work. You may have to deal with some competition or rivalries, but no worries. There has never been a better time to assert yourself. It is time to show off your knowledge and your ability to keep cool when things get heated. Whatever you do this week Libra, don’t just sit in the corner and act like a wall flower. Stand up and speak out. You’ll be sure to impress all of the right people with your willingness and ability to take control and get the job done.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22)
~ Don’t be surprised this week Scorpio if you find yourself at the end of some very lucrative and exciting news. The energies around you suggest that if you don’t hesitate you have real opportunity to enhance your earnings. This could be the beginning of a very solid foundation for you to build upon. Learning or schooling could also play a very big part in all of this. If you find yourself presented with opportunity to take a new course or add some work related training, don’t hesitate and go for it. Down the road, you’ll be very glad you did.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
~ Watch out this week Sag for some misunderstandings between you and one of your closest friends. We all know that Sagittarius’ are notorious for speaking before thinking and this week could really prove that saying. It’s not that you mean to say things that have the potential to offend or hurt others, you’re just one of those signs that says what you mean whether the person on the other side is ready for the truth or not. Try putting forth a bit of compassion though this week. Keep in mind that just because it may be true, doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. Remember, think first, then speak. It could prove to save a friendship.

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19) ~ The energy around you this week is one of awesome mental and intellectual control. You have the force of quick thinking and speaking at your disposal Capricorn. Use this energy to have that talk about a promotion or raise with your boss. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the reception you’ll get. An ideal week also to speak in front of a group or propose that new idea to your biggest client. Take advantage of the clarity you have this week Capricorn as this energy won’t be around forever.

Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18) ~ This is the beginning of a long awaited ending Aqua. There is light at the end of the tunnel and you can finally see it ahead. The ending of this past cycle is very welcomed and long awaited for you, no doubt. Get ready to open yourself up to new experiences ahead. Make sure to carry all of the lessons of this past difficult cycle with you. Without dwelling, use the past to boost you forward to the future. Be grateful for the not so pleasant lessons you’ve just been through. For without them, you wouldn’t be able to appreciate the real blessings that are on your path ahead.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
~ Try your best Pisces to not focus so much on your “lack” this week. The Law of Attraction suggests that what you focus on, is sure to come your way. Instead of worrying so much on what it is you don’t have, focus on the blessings of what you do have. Sure, you may have some money issues that are bothersome...but it’s nothing that won’t pass over time. You know as well as I do that you always have exactly what it is you NEED. So, this week try to relax a bit on the mental chatter. Don’t let your fears get the best of you and just ride the storm out. What goes down, surely always comes back up.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Tarot Scopes. If you’d like a full in-depth reading please email me at to set up an appointment.

Much Peace!
Kathy Keel