Saturday, November 14, 2009

~Manifesting In The New Moon~

  • New Moon In Scorpio; November 16, 2009

    November 16, 2009 marks the New Moon in Scorpio. For those of you not aware of the energies of a New Moon, it's the perfect time to put intention behind drawing "new" things, attitudes or even people into your life.

    This particular New Moon is in Scorpio. The sign of deaths (endings), that open the path for re-birth (new) into our lives. If we choose to, we can seek deep soul healing now. This is the perfect opportunity for all of us to heal what is detrimental to our ability to move forward and be happy in life. However, we will need an open heart and a willingness to put forth the effort for the healing and change. This New Moon can be extremely effective for major transformation for all of us. Mind, Body and Soul.

    If there is something in your life that seems to be a constant struggle, now is the time to look deeply at the situation. What about the situation can YOU change within yourself? What in your life do you need to let go of in order to allow the new to unfold? What constant obstacles and road blocks do you keep finding yourself fighting with? These are just a few of the questions you should be taking the time to review and decide if you're ready to move forward from. This new moon is ideal for letting go, healing, purging and releasing.

    ~Light White Candles, Sage, use Incense and/or crystals to set your stage
    ~Write down what in life it is that needs released or healed. On another sheet of paper, write down what NEW you want to draw into your life now that you're releasing the old. Be VERY specific.
    ~Read aloud your list of the things in life that no longer serve you or block your from happiness
    ~Light the paper with the list of releasing items on fire and allow it to burn (making sure to use a fire safe plate)
    ~Take the ashes of your intention outside and let them blow away. As you do this envision the things you're releasing (old ways of being, bad habits, people) blowing away with the ashes.
    ~Read aloud now the list of the NEW you want to draw into your life. You then can light this paper on fire and release the ashes.
    ~Draw a healing bath with lavender (or whatever scent you like), and envision yourself being cleansed of what you were carrying.
    ~Try to allow any candles you used to burn themselves out. If that's not possible, make certain to always snuff your candles, do not blow them out.

    Always, ALWAYS remember that you should never use manifestation / intention / spell work to bend or change another persons FREE WILL.

    November 16th, 2009 is an excellent time to release and finally heal those things that no longer serve us. Perfect time to make room for all of the NEW and wonderful things heading our way in the New Year!!

    Happy Manifesting!
