New Moon In Scorpio; November 16, 2009
November 16, 2009 marks the New Moon in Scorpio. For those of you not aware of the energies of a New Moon, it's the perfect time to put intention behind drawing "new" things, attitudes or even people into your life.
This particular New Moon is in Scorpio. The sign of deaths (endings), that open the path for re-birth (new) into our lives. If we choose to, we can seek deep soul healing now. This is the perfect opportunity for all of us to heal what is detrimental to our ability to move forward and be happy in life. However, we will need an open heart and a willingness to put forth the effort for the healing and change. This New Moon can be extremely effective for major transformation for all of us. Mind, Body and Soul.
If there is something in your life that seems to be a constant struggle, now is the time to look deeply at the situation. What about the situation can YOU change within yourself? What in your life do you need to let go of in order to allow the new to unfold? What constant obstacles and road blocks do you keep finding yourself fighting with? These are just a few of the questions you should be taking the time to review and decide if you're ready to move forward from. This new moon is ideal for letting go, healing, purging and releasing.
~Light White Candles, Sage, use Incense and/or crystals to set your stage
~Write down what in life it is that needs released or healed. On another sheet of paper, write down what NEW you want to draw into your life now that you're releasing the old. Be VERY specific.
~Read aloud your list of the things in life that no longer serve you or block your from happiness
~Light the paper with the list of releasing items on fire and allow it to burn (making sure to use a fire safe plate)
~Take the ashes of your intention outside and let them blow away. As you do this envision the things you're releasing (old ways of being, bad habits, people) blowing away with the ashes.
~Read aloud now the list of the NEW you want to draw into your life. You then can light this paper on fire and release the ashes.
~Draw a healing bath with lavender (or whatever scent you like), and envision yourself being cleansed of what you were carrying.
~Try to allow any candles you used to burn themselves out. If that's not possible, make certain to always snuff your candles, do not blow them out.
Always, ALWAYS remember that you should never use manifestation / intention / spell work to bend or change another persons FREE WILL.
November 16th, 2009 is an excellent time to release and finally heal those things that no longer serve us. Perfect time to make room for all of the NEW and wonderful things heading our way in the New Year!!
Happy Manifesting!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
~Manifesting In The New Moon~
Sunday, September 6, 2009
~Mercury Retrograde~
Here we go again...
Ah yes, another Mercury Retrograde is about to begin. This Retrograde begins September 7, lasting through to September 29th, 2009. Mercury Retrograde is notorious for bringing the old saying of "If Something Can Go Wrong, It Will" to the forefront. During this phase the planet of Mercury which rules communication does what appears to begin to travel backwards. It really doesn't move backwards but the optical illusion is no less easier on how the slowing of this planet effects our everyday life.
Some things to consider during a Mercury Retrograde:
Avoid signing legal documents
Avoid closing big deals
Avoid large purchases
Backup your computer BEFORE the retrograde begins.
Avoid buying or making repairs to major electronics or appliances
Give yourself extra time for traveling
Avoid beginning "New" relationships
I like to say that anything of true significance that is started during a Mercury Retrograde has the tendency to "turn to dust" when the Retrograde ends. So consider this if you are in the midst of beginning a new relationship or even discussing making changes to one that you're in. One example would be to wait until after the Retrograde to reconnect or make any reconciliation in a relationship as the relationship can quickly end or fizzle after the Retrograde ends.
Mercury Retrograde however doesn't always have to appear to be a negative thing though. This is the perfect time to do anything that may need to be revamped or reworked. Organizing your home, following up on projects and catching up on paperwork are all ideal things to get moving on during this time.
This particular Retrograde is in Libra and Virgo. So this transit may have a stronger effect on those particular signs.
Feel free to contact me for a full in depth Tarot Card reading to take a look at how this Retrograde may take part in your life.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Inner Voice or Fear?
That subtle nagging that you can't escape, yes, you know what I'm talking about. That small feeling in the pit of your stomach that tells you that "something" isn't quite right. That same thing that after all truths have unfolded you say to yourself..."I JUST KNEW IT."
Unfortunately, we don't always find out about the truth until well after all of the lessons have been played out. After all of the pieces of the puzzle come together and you find yourself broken and bruised from being taken advantage of.
When you're in a relationship, romantic or otherwise, and there is something inside that tells you something just isn't right, or, you find that you have trust issues that keep playing over in your head. Often times you dismiss these things as your own paranoid issues. You continue to just dismiss the things that don't sit right with you because you're either worried it's YOU, or you don't want to face what's being plastered right in front of your face.
Let's say your other half is out of town for work. You contact them more then once with no luck. The later it gets, you sit by your phone waiting for it to do something...anything. Finally at 11:30 pm you get that much waited response in a text saying..sorry late dinner, I'm pooped call you in the morning. Ok, eyebrow raises and sirens are going off inside your head like a mad person. Then, after a few moments you say to yourself..hmmm, must have been a really important meeting to last so late. Denying it works for you. It settles those sick butterflies down and you're good again now that you've dismissed it as your own paranoid self esteem issues. Of course, in the meantime you beat yourself up emotionally and mentally that you shouldn't "worry" so much.
Another situation you may find yourself in is that you're in a romantic relationship and the other person tells you how much they love and adore you. How much they want to see you and they miss you so very much. All the while, they go days without calling or weeks without wanting or needing to see you. Once again, you wonder what is it that is wrong with you? Nothing. It's the other persons inability to speak their mind and let you know that they "just aren't that into you".
Now lets address those butterflies in the pit of your stomach. Chances are they are there for a reason. They aren't just random monarchs trying to find their way to the border. This feeling in the pit of your stomach is your inner voice trying to tell you something just isn't right about the situation. It's not going to be some loud booming voice saying..."THEY ARE LYING..WAKE UP". It's normally very subtle. Subtle enough that you can drown it out with your own reasoning to make yourself feel better. Those eery flutters, well it's the same feelings you get when you yourself take note the next time that you're not being truthful or you fib of how it feels inside. I bet once you connect the two together, you'll understand exactly what I'm saying.
Sometimes, however, it is in fact your own paranoia. This is when you have to determine between your inner voice and your fears. That isn't always a very easy trick either. Your fears are often very strong and can send your mind into a frantic frenzy of "what if's". That's when you have to watch for the inconsistencies with the other person, or behavior that is out of the norm. When you have outside factors actually showing you and coupled with the inner ickies, you're more then likely being deceived. This is when you have to be truthful with yourself in seeing all of the signs that are being shown to you.
It's taken me a lot of years of real soul searching and learning how to quite my mind to tell the difference between my fears and my inner voice. And, even now, sometimes, my fears get the best of me. When I can't tell the difference, I will wait it out a while. Chances are that there will be outside validation that will either confirm or deny my feelings. More then likely, the person will trip up and be left scrambling to cover their tracks. When that happens it's helps you to distinguish the difference between your fears and your inner voice. At this point, it truly is time to face the truth and the facts being presented. Often times however, by the time this happens, it's too late and we've already been hurt and deceived.
The important thing to learn from any situation where you've been deceived is to become aware and watch for feelings and signs, and don't dismiss them. Remember, people are humans, they lie and fib. But you don't have to be the one on the other end being taken advantage of due to the other persons issues with being truthful.
Need help with learning how to hear your innervoice? Contact me for information on quieting those fears and opening your heart to the truth.
Unfortunately, we don't always find out about the truth until well after all of the lessons have been played out. After all of the pieces of the puzzle come together and you find yourself broken and bruised from being taken advantage of.
When you're in a relationship, romantic or otherwise, and there is something inside that tells you something just isn't right, or, you find that you have trust issues that keep playing over in your head. Often times you dismiss these things as your own paranoid issues. You continue to just dismiss the things that don't sit right with you because you're either worried it's YOU, or you don't want to face what's being plastered right in front of your face.
Let's say your other half is out of town for work. You contact them more then once with no luck. The later it gets, you sit by your phone waiting for it to do something...anything. Finally at 11:30 pm you get that much waited response in a text saying..sorry late dinner, I'm pooped call you in the morning. Ok, eyebrow raises and sirens are going off inside your head like a mad person. Then, after a few moments you say to yourself..hmmm, must have been a really important meeting to last so late. Denying it works for you. It settles those sick butterflies down and you're good again now that you've dismissed it as your own paranoid self esteem issues. Of course, in the meantime you beat yourself up emotionally and mentally that you shouldn't "worry" so much.
Another situation you may find yourself in is that you're in a romantic relationship and the other person tells you how much they love and adore you. How much they want to see you and they miss you so very much. All the while, they go days without calling or weeks without wanting or needing to see you. Once again, you wonder what is it that is wrong with you? Nothing. It's the other persons inability to speak their mind and let you know that they "just aren't that into you".
Now lets address those butterflies in the pit of your stomach. Chances are they are there for a reason. They aren't just random monarchs trying to find their way to the border. This feeling in the pit of your stomach is your inner voice trying to tell you something just isn't right about the situation. It's not going to be some loud booming voice saying..."THEY ARE LYING..WAKE UP". It's normally very subtle. Subtle enough that you can drown it out with your own reasoning to make yourself feel better. Those eery flutters, well it's the same feelings you get when you yourself take note the next time that you're not being truthful or you fib of how it feels inside. I bet once you connect the two together, you'll understand exactly what I'm saying.
Sometimes, however, it is in fact your own paranoia. This is when you have to determine between your inner voice and your fears. That isn't always a very easy trick either. Your fears are often very strong and can send your mind into a frantic frenzy of "what if's". That's when you have to watch for the inconsistencies with the other person, or behavior that is out of the norm. When you have outside factors actually showing you and coupled with the inner ickies, you're more then likely being deceived. This is when you have to be truthful with yourself in seeing all of the signs that are being shown to you.
It's taken me a lot of years of real soul searching and learning how to quite my mind to tell the difference between my fears and my inner voice. And, even now, sometimes, my fears get the best of me. When I can't tell the difference, I will wait it out a while. Chances are that there will be outside validation that will either confirm or deny my feelings. More then likely, the person will trip up and be left scrambling to cover their tracks. When that happens it's helps you to distinguish the difference between your fears and your inner voice. At this point, it truly is time to face the truth and the facts being presented. Often times however, by the time this happens, it's too late and we've already been hurt and deceived.
The important thing to learn from any situation where you've been deceived is to become aware and watch for feelings and signs, and don't dismiss them. Remember, people are humans, they lie and fib. But you don't have to be the one on the other end being taken advantage of due to the other persons issues with being truthful.
Need help with learning how to hear your innervoice? Contact me for information on quieting those fears and opening your heart to the truth.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Importance of Alignment
I’m certain that everyone reading this has in some way or another heard of The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction says that our thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) dictate the reality of our lives. In essence, if you really want something and truly believe it’s possible, then you’ll create the reality of it in your life. However, what people don’t realize is that by putting a lot of attention or thought into something you DON’T want means that you’ll also attract that in your life.
All thoughts create a feeling. All feeling is what creates the energy that turns into the “magnet” to which we attract into our lives. Therefore, for manifestation purposes it’s very important to be aware of our thoughts, both positive and negative.
Fear and worry are very powerful feelings. If you allow your thoughts of fear and worry to create an uneasy emotion within us, then that is exactly what you’ll draw into your life. Un-Ease. When you have un-ease within then you are not aligning yourself with the positive things you wish to attract. For instance, say you are manifesting a new car into your life. You send out the thoughts and feelings of wanting the new vehicle. However, soon you start to worry that, ok, what if I get a new car then I get laid off tomorrow and can’t pay for it? Worrying about the “what if’s” in this case just mis-aligned you with your intention. It’s as though you’ve sent a mixed message to the Universe and now the Universe has not idea if in fact you truly want the intention you sent out there.
Aligning yourself prefectly with your intentions is the key to manifestation. By being aware of your thoughts you can indeed master this alignment process. It’s a matter of paying attention to where your thoughts flow, and the feelings those thoughts create within you. When you’re feeling upset or un-easy inside try to trace to what thoughts you have going on that create this un-ease. Once you’re able to pinpoint those thoughts, then make a conscious effort to change or turn around those thoughts.
One way of working with this is before you truly set your intention, imagine yourself living it first. Take a short trip into your mind and imagine as if you already have what it is you’re manifesting into your life. Take special note during your trip as to how having what you want makes you feel. If you feel any type of mixed emotions, fear or second thoughts into what you’re manifesting, then you need to adjust what it is you’re wanting to attract. Keep doing this until the object of your desire creates only positive feelings.
Let’s say you set your intentions on a brand new Mercedes-Benz SLR Roadster with a sticker price of $495,000.00. Imagine yourself owning it. Would you be worry free and happy with this? Would you be worried everytime you drove it that you’d get a scratch or a ding or would the thought of that car payment every month give you that small sick feeling in the pit of your stomach? These emotions are exactly what will tell the Universe NO, I don’t really want this in my life. Perhaps you should downgrade your desire a bit to something that is in the range of $30,000.00 then. Try that on for size and see how it feels. If that brings feelings of ease within, then you are learning to align yourself with your intention. Thus giving the Universe a crisp, clear signal of exactly what you want. I know this is an exagerated example, but you get my point of placing yourself into the scenerio before you begin your manifestation.
Now that you’ve learned to watch your thoughts and pay attention to the emotions they create you can align yourself with only those thoughts that bring positive balance and ease within. If it takes a few times tweaking or changing those intentions, that’s fine too. The key is to create the alignment by having only positive feelings attached to what it is you’re manifesting. Once you have that total alignment, hold on tight, cause the Universe has a way of working very quickly!
Happy Manifesting!
All thoughts create a feeling. All feeling is what creates the energy that turns into the “magnet” to which we attract into our lives. Therefore, for manifestation purposes it’s very important to be aware of our thoughts, both positive and negative.
Fear and worry are very powerful feelings. If you allow your thoughts of fear and worry to create an uneasy emotion within us, then that is exactly what you’ll draw into your life. Un-Ease. When you have un-ease within then you are not aligning yourself with the positive things you wish to attract. For instance, say you are manifesting a new car into your life. You send out the thoughts and feelings of wanting the new vehicle. However, soon you start to worry that, ok, what if I get a new car then I get laid off tomorrow and can’t pay for it? Worrying about the “what if’s” in this case just mis-aligned you with your intention. It’s as though you’ve sent a mixed message to the Universe and now the Universe has not idea if in fact you truly want the intention you sent out there.
Aligning yourself prefectly with your intentions is the key to manifestation. By being aware of your thoughts you can indeed master this alignment process. It’s a matter of paying attention to where your thoughts flow, and the feelings those thoughts create within you. When you’re feeling upset or un-easy inside try to trace to what thoughts you have going on that create this un-ease. Once you’re able to pinpoint those thoughts, then make a conscious effort to change or turn around those thoughts.
One way of working with this is before you truly set your intention, imagine yourself living it first. Take a short trip into your mind and imagine as if you already have what it is you’re manifesting into your life. Take special note during your trip as to how having what you want makes you feel. If you feel any type of mixed emotions, fear or second thoughts into what you’re manifesting, then you need to adjust what it is you’re wanting to attract. Keep doing this until the object of your desire creates only positive feelings.
Let’s say you set your intentions on a brand new Mercedes-Benz SLR Roadster with a sticker price of $495,000.00. Imagine yourself owning it. Would you be worry free and happy with this? Would you be worried everytime you drove it that you’d get a scratch or a ding or would the thought of that car payment every month give you that small sick feeling in the pit of your stomach? These emotions are exactly what will tell the Universe NO, I don’t really want this in my life. Perhaps you should downgrade your desire a bit to something that is in the range of $30,000.00 then. Try that on for size and see how it feels. If that brings feelings of ease within, then you are learning to align yourself with your intention. Thus giving the Universe a crisp, clear signal of exactly what you want. I know this is an exagerated example, but you get my point of placing yourself into the scenerio before you begin your manifestation.
Now that you’ve learned to watch your thoughts and pay attention to the emotions they create you can align yourself with only those thoughts that bring positive balance and ease within. If it takes a few times tweaking or changing those intentions, that’s fine too. The key is to create the alignment by having only positive feelings attached to what it is you’re manifesting. Once you have that total alignment, hold on tight, cause the Universe has a way of working very quickly!
Happy Manifesting!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Imagine being healed of your long time mental, emotional or physical illness instantaneously….
Conscious and unconscious thoughts are the very fibers that create and make up our lives. Long held issues, fears and worries are all contributing factors that create dis-ease within us on all levels. Whether it’s emotional or mental issues that hold us back from our highest potential or, physical illness that create pain and suffering, these are all a result of the detrimental beliefs that are seeded deep with in us. Identifying, changing and eliminating these beliefs allow us to free our energy and create the healings that allow us to live happier and healthier lives.
ThetaHealing, founded by Vianna Stibal in 1995 is a simple technique that has been proven to contribute to immediate healing of not only emotional and mental but actual physical dis-ease of our bodies. This process proved itself to be valid when Vianna witnessed her own healing from a very advanced cancer that was on it’s way to destroying her right femur. By sharing and teaching this technique worldwide, it’s now available to anyone and everyone.
Acute pain, obesity, depression, hearing issues and chronic headaches are just a very few illnesses that I myself have been a witness to healing with Theta. I have just been amazed at just how very simple and fast this technique is. If I hadn’t witnessed this with my own eyes and in my own life, I would never believe it.
I’m excited to announce that I am now a Certified Practitioner of ThetaHealing. And, for a short time I’m offering sessions of Theta at a reduced cost. Healing doesn’t have to cost thousands of dollars. This technique is available to everyone at the low introductory rate of $60 per session (1-hour session). All sessions that are booked with me from now until January 31, 2009 will be honored at this reduced rate. This is $25 below the normal charge of $85.00. Book your session now and all sessions regarding the particular illness will be at $60 per session.
This healing technique was recently highlighted by FOX News. I’ve attached a link below so that you can see the report done on this healing modality.
Contact me today for more details on ThetaHealing. You owe it to yourself to have a life free of pain and suffering. Allow myself and ThetaHealing to help you achieve a happy, healthier life.
THETAHealing Part 1
THETAHealing Part 2
Love, Peace and Serenity,
KathyAka BrigitWhispers
Conscious and unconscious thoughts are the very fibers that create and make up our lives. Long held issues, fears and worries are all contributing factors that create dis-ease within us on all levels. Whether it’s emotional or mental issues that hold us back from our highest potential or, physical illness that create pain and suffering, these are all a result of the detrimental beliefs that are seeded deep with in us. Identifying, changing and eliminating these beliefs allow us to free our energy and create the healings that allow us to live happier and healthier lives.
ThetaHealing, founded by Vianna Stibal in 1995 is a simple technique that has been proven to contribute to immediate healing of not only emotional and mental but actual physical dis-ease of our bodies. This process proved itself to be valid when Vianna witnessed her own healing from a very advanced cancer that was on it’s way to destroying her right femur. By sharing and teaching this technique worldwide, it’s now available to anyone and everyone.
Acute pain, obesity, depression, hearing issues and chronic headaches are just a very few illnesses that I myself have been a witness to healing with Theta. I have just been amazed at just how very simple and fast this technique is. If I hadn’t witnessed this with my own eyes and in my own life, I would never believe it.
I’m excited to announce that I am now a Certified Practitioner of ThetaHealing. And, for a short time I’m offering sessions of Theta at a reduced cost. Healing doesn’t have to cost thousands of dollars. This technique is available to everyone at the low introductory rate of $60 per session (1-hour session). All sessions that are booked with me from now until January 31, 2009 will be honored at this reduced rate. This is $25 below the normal charge of $85.00. Book your session now and all sessions regarding the particular illness will be at $60 per session.
This healing technique was recently highlighted by FOX News. I’ve attached a link below so that you can see the report done on this healing modality.
Contact me today for more details on ThetaHealing. You owe it to yourself to have a life free of pain and suffering. Allow myself and ThetaHealing to help you achieve a happy, healthier life.
THETAHealing Part 2
Love, Peace and Serenity,
KathyAka BrigitWhispers
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